
a new species of atriotaenia (cestoda: anoplocephalidae) from the hog-nosed skunk conepatus chinga (carnivora: mephitidae) in peru.atriotaenia sanmarci n. sp. (cestoda: anoplocephalidae) is described as a parasite of the andean hog-nosed skunk, conepatus chinga (carnivora: mephitidae), from cusco, perú. the new species is primarily distinguished from related species by the distribution, and greater number, of testes, i.e., 194-223 versus 40-60 in atriotaenia sandgroundi (sandground, 1926) baer, 1935, 47-73 in atriotaenia procyonis (chandler, 1942) spasskii, 1951, and 21-84 in atriotaenia incisa railliet, 1899. also, there a ...201222339059
the andean hog-nosed skunk conepatus chinga molina, 1782 as a new definitive host for spirometra erinacei faust, campbell & kellog, 1929.this report describes the finding of spirometra erinacei faust, campbell & kellog, 1929 (cestoda, diphyllobothridae) infecting the small intestine of two andean hog-nosed skunks (conepatus chinga molina, 1782), collected from the locality "abra la raya", at cusco, peru. four cestodes were studied and identified as s. erinacei. this is the first report showing that the andean hog-nosed skunk is one of the natural hosts for this parasite.200919254648
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