
[diversity, relative abundance and activity patterns of medium and large mammals in a tropical deciduous forest in the isthmus of tehuantepec, oaxaca, mexico].the use of camera traps and mammal track search are complementary methods to monitoring species of which is not well documented their natural history, as in the case of medium and large mammals. to ensure its conservation and good management, it is necessary to generate information about the structure of the community and their populations. the objective of the present study was to estimate the diversity, relative abundance and activity patterns of medium and large mammals in a tropical deciduou ...201425720178
[odocoileus virginianus diet (artiodactyla: cervidae) in a temperate forest of northern oaxaca, mexico].the sierra madre de oaxaca region, located in the northern state of oaxaca, mexico, is an area of forest ecosystems subject to high exploitation rates, although in some areas its temperate forests are conserved by indigenous community initiatives that live there. we analyzed the diet of white tailed-deer (odocoileus virginianus) in the localities of santa catarina lachatao and san miguel amatlán from june 1998 to august 1999. sampling was done during both the wet and dry seasons, and included th ...201222458238
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