effects of el niño on distribution and reproductive performance of black brant. | climate in low-latitude wintering areas may influence temperate and high-latitude breeding populations of birds, but demonstrations of such relationships have been rare because of difficulties in linking wintering with breeding populations. we used long-term aerial surveys in mexican wintering areas and breeding areas in alaska, usa, to assess numbers of black brant (branta bernicla nigricans; hereafter brant) on their principal wintering and breeding area in el niño and non-el niño years. we us ... | 2006 | 16634306 |
[habitat use patterns of the black brant branta bernicla nigricans (anseriformes: anatidae) in natural and artificial areas of guerrero negro, baja california sur, mexico]. | the black brant is a common inhabitant of the western artic american tundra, which migrates to southern pacific coasts during the winter season. approximately, 31000 birds (31%) constitute the mexican population of brants at guerrero negro, ojo de liebre, and exportadora de sal lagoon complex; nevertheless, there is little information about the distribution patterns and zone usage. at guerrero negro lagoon (gnl), ojo de liebre lagoon (oll, both natural sites), and at exportadora de sal (essa, ar ... | 2013 | 23885600 |
carryover effects associated with winter location affect fitness, social status, and population dynamics in a long-distance migrant. | we used observations of individually marked female black brant geese (branta bernicla nigricans; brant) at three wintering lagoons on the pacific coast of baja california-laguna san ignacio (lsi), laguna ojo de liebre (lol), and bahía san quintín (bsq)-and the tutakoke river breeding colony in alaska to assess hypotheses about carryover effects on breeding and distribution of individuals among wintering areas. we estimated transition probabilities from wintering locations to breeding and nonbree ... | 2011 | 22030737 |