
gobioecetes biwaensis n. g., n. sp. (monogenea: dactylogyridae) from the gills of a freshwater gobiid fish, rhinogobius sp. bw takahashi & okazaki, 2002, with a redescription of parancyrocephaloides daicoci yamaguti, 1938.a description is given of gobioecetes biwaensis n. g., n. sp. (monogenea: dactylogyridae) on the gills of a freshwater gobiid fish, rhinogobius sp. bw takahashi & okazaki, 2002 from lake biwa, shiga prefecture and rhinogobius sp. from sento imperial palace, kyoto prefecture, japan. this monogenean is most similar to parancyrocephaloides rhinogobius ling, 1973, proposed here as gobioecetes rhinogobius n. comb., collected from the gills of rhinogobius giurinus (rutter, 1897) in hupei province, chi ...201728257951
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