
presence of contracaecum spp. in teleosts cultured and fished in sardinia.this study reports the results of the finding of contracaecum spp. during a survey on endoparasites isolated from cultured and wild fish and also from some cephalopods caught in sardinian waters. contracaecum spp. is a nematode belonging to the anisakidae, and is reported to cause zoonosis in humans. nematodes were detected after visual inspection and enzymatic digestion and then identified by morphologic observation, which was confirmed by pcr. the results show that contracaecum spp. were found ...201323597773
stress and humoral innate immune response of gilthead seabream sparus aurata cultured in sea cages.innate and acquired immune responses of gilthead seabream sparus aurata was studied under normal culture and short-term stressful conditions for 18 months in offshore sea cages in alghero bay, italy. every 45 d, 50 fish were sampled and divided into two groups: fish in the first group (normal culture conditions) were bled after harvesting; fish in the second group were put into a tank under stressful conditions (crowding and confinement) and bled after 2 h. innate humoral immunity, such as compl ...201627485027
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