
toxoplasmosis may lead to road kills of persian leopards ( panthera pardus saxicolor) in golestan national park, iran.three persian leopards ( panthera pardus saxicolor) that died from car accidents in golestan national park, iran, were tested for toxoplasma gondii and rabies virus infection. acute t. gondii infection was diagnosed in two persian leopards; no rabies virus was detected. acute toxoplasmosis may be a factor in persian leopard road kills.201626981691
assessing the role of livestock in big cat prey choice using spatiotemporal availability patterns.livestock is represented in big cat diets throughout the world. husbandry approaches aim to reduce depredation, which may influence patterns of prey choice, but whether felids have a preference for livestock or not often remains unclear as most studies ignore livestock availability. we assessed prey choice of the endangered persian leopard (panthera pardus saxicolor) in golestan national park, iran, where conflict over livestock depredation occurs. we analyzed leopard diet (77 scats) and assesse ...201627064680
dissatisfaction with veterinary services is associated with leopard (panthera pardus) predation on domestic animals.human-carnivore conflicts challenge biodiversity conservation and local livelihoods, but the role of diseases of domestic animals in their predation by carnivores is poorly understood. we conducted a human-leopard (panthera pardus) conflict study throughout all 34 villages around golestan national park, iran in order to find the most important conflict determinants and to use them in predicting the probabilities of conflict and killing of cattle, sheep and goats, and dogs. we found that the more ...201526114626
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