
traditional knowledge on poisonous plants of udhampur district of jammu and kashmir, india.poisonous plants comprise the third largest category of poisons known around the world. other than affecting the humans directly, they are the major cause of economic losses in the livestock industry since the advent of civilisation. aim of the present study was to collect and systematically document the traditional knowledge of poisonous plants of udhampur district for the benefit of humanity before it is entombed forever.201424412380
ethnomedicinal plants used by the villagers of district udhampur, j&k, india.plants are an integral part of life in many indigenous communities. besides, being the source of food, fodder, fuel, etc., the use of plants as herbal medicines in curing several ailments goes parallel to the human civilization. ethnopharmacology involves the investigation of the plants used by the traditional communities and further understand the pharmacological basis of these culturally important medicinal plants. present study was conducted to enlist the medicinal plants used by the local in ...201424365639
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