
seasonal ovarian cycle in freshwater teleost, labeo rohita (ham.) in tarai region of uttaranchal.seasonal ovarian cycle, based on histophysiological changes, and correlative variations in liver were studied in an indian major carp, labeo rohita reared in captivity under ambient environmental conditions in tarai region of uttaranchal. the oocyte features used for marking ovarian cycle included nuclear-ooplasmic ratio, yolk vesicle incorporation into ooplasm, number and size of nucleolus and differentiation of follicular layer. based on these features the ovarian cycle in l. rohita was divide ...200516334297
comparative study of seasonal variation in bacterial flora concomitant with farm raised fingerlings of cyprinus carpio at tarai region of uttarakhand.the bacterial infection is an important economic and limiting factor in intensive fish production. the present study focuses on investigation of the bacterial population associated with farmed common carp fingerlings, its environment and limnological quality of pond, during winter and summer season. it was found that the bacterial count in the pond sediment (6.40 cfu x 10(4)) was about 10 times higher in comparison of pond water (6.93 cfu x 10(3)). further, the intestinal bacterial count was abo ...201424665763
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