
phylogenetic position of the white-cheeked macaque (macaca leucogenys), a newly described primate from southeastern tibet.the white-cheeked macaque macaca leucogenys is a recently described species that was only diagnosed based on photos, without any specimen measurements or molecular genetic diagnosis. using dna extracted from four newly collected skin specimens, we studied the genetic diversity and phylogenetic position of m. leucogenys using multilocus sequence data, including mitochondrial and y chromosomal genes. skin measurements of four individuals showed that the white-cheeked macaque is robust and larger t ...201727769901
white-cheeked macaque (macaca leucogenys): a new macaque species from medog, southeastern tibet.we describe a newly discovered macaca species from the medog, in southeastern tibet, china, macaca leucogenys sp. nov or the "white-cheeked macaque". based on 738 photos taken during direct observations and captured by camera traps this new species appears to be distinct from the macaca sinica species group. moreover, the species is distinguished from all potential sympatric macaque species (m. mulatta, m. thibetana, m. assamensis, and m. munzala) in exhibiting a suite of pelage characteristics ...201525809642
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