
evaluating the trophic transfer of selenium in aquatic ecosystems using caged fish, x-ray absorption spectroscopy and stable isotope analysis.this research evaluated the dominant exposure pathways with regard to the bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of selenium (se) in caged small-bodied fish inhabiting the receiving waters of a uranium-processing mill in northern saskatchewan, canada. a 21-day cage study was conducted using wild naïve lake chub (couesius plumbeus) collected from a reference lake and caged in a reference and an exposure lake downstream of the mill discharge. caged fish were fed commercially produced chironomus spp. ...201121757232
selenium uptake and speciation in wild and caged fish downstream of a metal mining and milling discharge.the aim of this research was to evaluate the dominance of the feeding pathway with respect to selenium (se) uptake and speciation in fish inhabiting the receiving waters downstream of a uranium processing mill in northern saskatchewan, canada. the experimental design included analysis of se in the predominant fish species located in the study area, a caging validation study using wild, naïve (i.e., collected from a reference lake) lake chub (couesius plumbeus) and spottail shiner (notropis hudso ...201121419485
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