
toxaphene congeners in the canadian great lakes basin: temporal and spatial food web dynamics.samples of a top predator fish species, lake trout (salvelinus namaycush) and predominant forage species including smelt (osmerus mordax), alewife (alosa pseudoharengus), slimy sculpin (cottus cognatus), deepwater sculpin (myoxocephalus quadricornis) and lake herring (coregonus artedii) were, collected from throughout 4 of the 5 great lakes (superior, huron, erie and ontario) (fig. 1). lake trout were also collected from three isolated lake systems (lakes nipigon, simcoe and opeongo), all locate ...200010739065
males exceed females in pcb concentrations of cisco (coregonus artedi) from lake superior.we determined whole-fish polychlorinated biphenyl (pcb) concentrations of 25 male and 25 female age-7 ciscoes (coregonus artedi) captured from a spawning aggregation in thunder bay, lake superior, during november 2010. we also determined pcb concentrations in the ovaries and somatic tissue of five additional female ciscoes (ages 5-22). all 55 of these ciscoes were in ripe or nearly ripe condition. bioenergetics modeling was used to determine the contribution of the growth dilution effect toward ...201424954559
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