
lead in the tissues of terrestrial raptors in southern ontario, canada, 1995-2001.terrestrial raptors which feed on upland hunted game species may increase their risk to lead exposure and lead poisoning by ingesting lead shot found in the tissues of prey. lead exposure in 225 individuals of nineteen species of terrestrial raptors, collected as carcasses in southern ontario from 1995-2001, was examined through the analysis of bone, liver and kidney tissues. in this study, one red-tailed hawk contained liver lead concentrations and exhibited signs consistent with lead poisoning ...200818063010
residue of organochlorine compounds and mercury in birds' eggs from the niagara peninsula, ontario.eggs (307) were collected in 1971 from twenty species of birds with a variety of feeding habits from the niagara peninsula. this area of ontario is intensively developed for agriculture and heavy industry and has a large urban population. representative species were obtained from both the terrestrial and aquatic food chains. eggs were analyzed for organochlorine insecticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, and total mercury. eggs from carnivorous species at the top of the aquatic food chain had the ...19751155964
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