
outbreaks of west nile virus in captive waterfowl in ontario, canada.the detrimental effects of west nile virus (wnv) have been well characterized in several taxonomic groups of north american birds, such as corvids and raptors. relatively less is known about the virus' effects in waterfowl species, many of which are abundant in north america and occupy habitats, for example wetlands and marshes, likely to harbour dense mosquito populations. in two successive years, outbreaks of wnv-associated disease were observed in waterfowl at a rehabilitation centre. in the ...201525636141
spatial and temporal variation in lead levels related to body condition in the mississippi valley population of canada geese.concern over lead poisoning led to progressive prohibition of toxic shot to harvest waterfowl in the 1980's. nevertheless, waterfowl remain susceptible to ingestion of lead shot because illegal use continues and spent shot persists in soil and wetland substrates. while mortality due to lead toxicosis has subsided, sublethal effects may still affect survival and reproduction. we measured liver lead levels and body condition in 732 canada geese (branta canadensis interior) during july 1984 to apri ...199910231744
microbial diversity and host-specific sequences of canada goose feces.methods to assess the impact of goose fecal contamination are needed as the result of the increasing number of canada geese (branta canadensis) near north american inland waters. however, there is little information on goose fecal microbial communities, and such data are important for the development of host-specific source-tracking methods. to address this issue, 16s rrna gene clone libraries for canada goose fecal samples from ontario, canada, and ohio were analyzed. analyses of fecal clones f ...200919633110
pathology and diagnosis of avian bornavirus infection in wild canada geese (branta canadensis), trumpeter swans (cygnus buccinator) and mute swans (cygnus olor) in canada: a retrospective study.nine hundred and fifty-five pathology cases collected in ontario between 1992 and 2011 from wild free-ranging canada geese, trumpeter swans and mute swans were retrospectively evaluated for the pathology associated with avian bornavirus (abv) infection. cases were selected based on the presence of upper gastrointestinal impaction, central nervous system histopathology or clinical history suggestive of abv infection. the proportion of birds meeting at least one of these criteria was significantly ...201323581438
quantitative multi-year elucidation of fecal sources of waterborne pathogen contamination in the south nation river basin using bacteroidales microbial source tracking markers.over a seven-year period (2004-2010) 1095 water samples were obtained from the south nation river basin at multiple watershed monitoring sites (ontario, canada). real-time pcr using bacteroidales specific markers was used to identify the origin (human (10% prevalence), ruminant (22%), pig (~2%), canada goose (4%) and muskrat (7%)) of fecal pollution. in parallel, the distribution of fecal indicator bacteria and waterborne pathogens (cryptosporidium oocysts, giardia cysts, escherichia coli o157:h ...201323497974
spring-harvested game birds in the western james bay region of northern ontario, canada: the amount of organochlorines in matched samples of breast muscle, skin, and abdominal fat.we examined matched-tissue samples (the right pectoral muscle plus the associated skin and fat was considered a breast portion) of 81 spring-harvested waterfowl and 19 summer-harvested godwits (limosa spp.) to assess the potential of these water birds contributing to the body burden of pcbs and ddt noted in first nation people of the western james bay region, northern ontario, canada. in general, the dabbling ducks (mallard duck, anas platyrhynchos; and northern pintail, a. acuta) had significan ...200818058032
spring-harvested game birds from the western james bay region of northern ontario, canada: organochlorine concentrations in breast muscle.although studies have assessed organochlorine concentration in breast tissue (pectoral muscle) of fall-harvested game birds in canada, data for spring-harvested game birds are limited, especially for remote sub-arctic areas. taking into account that most traditional aboriginal diets include a large number of spring-harvested game birds, there is a need to assess organochlorine concentration in spring-harvested water birds with respect to suitability for human consumption. we examined organochlor ...200717675140
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