
a serologic survey of mycoplasma spp. in farmed bison ( bison bison) herds in western canada.mycoplasma bovis is emerging as an important pathogen of farmed bison in north america and is associated with high morbidity and mortality in affected herds. we developed an in-house elisa to detect antibodies against mycoplasma spp. in bison sera. the aims of the study were to estimate the seroprevalence against mycoplasma spp. in bison herds with or without past history of m. bovis-associated disease, and to determine potential risk factors for seropositivity to mycoplasma spp. in farmed bison ...201728578617
energy gains predict the distribution of plains bison across populations and ecosystems.developing tools that help predict animal distribution in the face of environmental change is central to understanding ecosystem function, but it remains a significant ecological challenge. we tested whether a single foraging currency could explain bison (bison bison) distribution in dissimilar environments: a largely forested environment in prince albert national park (saskatchewan, canada) and a prairie environment in grasslands national park (saskatchewan, canada). we blended extensive behavi ...201121560694
foraging ecology of bison at the landscape and plant community levels: the applicability of energy maximization principles.predictions of animal distribution and resource use require multi-scale consideration because animals can use different sets of selection criteria at different scales. we investigated whether patterns of distribution and resource use by free-ranging bison (bison bison) in prince albert national park, saskatchewan, follow rules of energy maximization that hold across multiple scales. optimality theory predicts specialization on carex atherodes and frequency-independent selection among plant speci ...200312647163
risk factors for mycoplasma bovis-associated disease in farmed bison (bison bison) herds in western canada: a case-control study.north american bison producers have been attempting to control and prevent mycoplasma bovis-associated disease without the benefit of bison-specific knowledge. the objective of this study was to determine the clinical presentation of disease associated with m. bovis infection in western canadian farmed bison, and to identify herd-level risk factors for m. bovis-associated disease. bison producers (n=49) from western canada (manitoba, saskatchewan, alberta, and british columbia) were selected for ...201627317324
a survey to detect toxocara vitulorum and other gastrointestinal parasites in bison (bison bison) herds from manitoba and egg count survey using environmental fecal samples obtained in spring or early summer was conducted to estimate the apparent prevalence of toxocara vitulorum in unweaned bison calves and of other intestinal parasites in adult bison on 98 farms in manitoba and saskatchewan. calf samples were pooled (maximum 5 samples per pool) by farm and positive pools were examined to determine individual t. vitulorum counts. toxocara vitulorum eggs were found on 4 farms in manitoba and none in saskatchewan. ...025183895
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