
melanoides tuberculata (mollusca: thiaridae) as an intermediate host of centrocestus formosanus (trematoda: heterophyidae) in brazil.pleurolophocercous cercariae emerged from naturally infected melanoides tuberculata from minas gerais state, brazil, were used to perform experimental infection of laboratory-reared poecilia reticulata. mature metacercariae were obtained from the gills of fishes and force-fed to mus musculus. the adult parasites which recovered from small intestines of mice were identified as centrocestus formosanus. this is the first report of m. tuberculata as intermediate host of this heterophyid in brazil.201021748229
experimental and molecular study of cercariae of clinostomum sp. (trematoda: clinostomidae) from biomphalaria spp. (mollusca: planorbidae) in brazil.despite the large number of reports of species of clinostomum from vertebrate hosts in south america, studies evaluating the molluscan transmitters of these parasites are scarce. in the present study, clinostomatoid cercariae shed from 0.02% (4/17,485) specimens of biomphalaria spp., collected at the pampulha reservoir, belo horizonte, minas gerais, brazil, were used for experimental infection of poecilia reticulata . samples of cercariae from molluscs and metacercariae experimentally obtained f ...201525090192
biomphalaria straminea (mollusca: planorbidae) as an intermediate host of ribeiroia sp. (trematoda: psilostomidae) in brazil.species of ribeiroia are trematode parasites of birds and mammals that have acquired notoriety since ribeiroia ondatrae was identified as a cause of mortality and malformations in north american amphibians. although species of ribeiroia have been reported in vertebrate hosts in south america, the snails involved in its transmission remain unknown in brazil. during malacological studies conducted at pampulha reservoir, belo horizonte, minas gerais, brazil, between january 2009 and february 2012, ...201323421393
petasiger dietz, 1909 (trematoda: echinostomatidae) in birds and mollusks from brazil.species of petasiger dietz, 1909 are intestinal trematodes of aquatic birds. despite the diversity of described species in europe and north america, only two south american species are known and no species have been previously reported in birds from brazil. during a study of helminths recovered from the least grebe, tachybaptus dominicus (linnaeus, 1766), from the state of minas gerais, brazil, adult trematodes identified as petasiger novemdecim lutz, 1928 were found. the prevalence of infection ...201324142178
melanoides tuberculata (mollusca: thiaridae) harboring renicolid cercariae (trematoda: renicolidae) in brazil.melanoides tuberculata , naturally infected by gymnocephalous cercariae, were found in aquatic collections from belo horizonte, minas gerais, brazil. after morphological characterization, larvae were used for experimental infection of poecilia reticulata. metacercariae were obtained from the liver of these fish, which were also found to be naturally infected in the same locality. the morphology and biology of the developmental stages of trematodes we obtained were characteristic of renicola sp. ...201222288437
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