
the complexity of the sylvatic cycle of trypanosoma cruzi in rio de janeiro state (brazil) revealed by the non-transcribed spacer of the mini-exon gene.american trypanosamiasis occurs in nature as a sylvatic cycle, where trypanosoma cruzi interacts with wild triatomines and mammalian reservoirs, such as marsupials, rodents, armadillos and other animals. due to difficulties in trying to isolate t. cruzi stocks from the sylvatic cycle, very few studies have been performed in order to understand the parasite infection in natural environments. traditionally t. cruzi has been considered to be composed of a highly heterogeneous population of parasite ...199910028530
census and distribution of the golden lion tamarin (leontopithecus rosalia).during 1990-1992, a survey of the golden lion tamarin, leontopithecus rosalia, was carried out throughout its known distribution area. forest remnants were identified by visual interpretation of landsat-tm satellite images. localities occupied by l. rosalia were first identified by interviews with local people. all forests more than 20 ha in size, and for which two or more interviews suggested the presence of the species, were surveyed using "play-back" recordings of lion tamarin long calls. the ...200312526037
isolation and identification of fungi from vaginal flora in three species of captive leontopithecus.the ability to reproduce in captivity is an essential component of lion tamarin (leontopithecus) conservation programs. however, infections such as vaginitis, cervicitis, and endometritis are important diseases that may influence the reproduction of these animals. therefore, it is important to detect continuous or occasional vaginal microbial populations, and to understand their potential role as an endogenous source of infection [collins, 1964; blue, 1983; pugh et al., 1986]. vaginal swabs were ...200415538760
leptospiral antibodies in captive lion tamarins (leontopithecus sp) in brazil.serum samples from 73 lion tamarins of three species living at the centro de primatologia do rio de janeiro were tested for antibodies against serovars of leptospira interrogans by microscopic agglutination test. antibodies were detected in serum samples of 15% of tested samples. seroreactivity prevalence was lower than that described in other non-human primates and could be explained by the arboreal behaviour of these animals. icterohaemorrhagiae was the most common serogroup.200515848790
survey of plasmodium in the golden-headed lion tamarin (leontopithecus chrysomelas) living in urban atlantic forest in rio de janeiro, brazil.communicating the presence of potential zoonotic pathogens such as plasmodium spp. in wild animals is important for developing both animal and human health policies.201626883507
histology of the sternal and suprapubic skin areas in lion tamarins (leontopithecus sp. callitrichidae-primates).though knowledge regarding the biology and morphology of lion tamarins is scarce in the literature, it is very important for their conservation. this paper focuses on the anatomical and histological aspects of the glands involved in the scent-marking behavior of lion tamarins. it examines the histological aspects of sternal and suprapubic skin sections of specimens that were preserved in formaldehyde and were the property of the rio de janeiro primatology center museum. eighteen specimens from t ...200616892413
the panorama of animal leptospirosis in rio de janeiro, brazil, regarding the seroepidemiology of the infection in tropical regions.leptospirosis is an important disease caused by various serovars of leptospira sp. it can affect humans as well as domestic and wild animals; therefore, it has importance for public health, animal production, and wild species. the aim of this paper is to discuss the epidemiology of animal leptospirosis in rio de janeiro, brazil, as a possible model for other tropical regions. in several studies conducted in the last 20 years, a total of 47 rats, 120 dogs, 875 cows, 695 horses, 1,343 goats, 308 s ...201324289165
helminths found in marmosets (callithrix penicillata and callithrixjacchus) introduced to the region of occurrence of golden lion tamarins (leontopithecusrosalia) in brazil.the introduction of exotic species can increase the risk of extinction of native species through the introduction of new diseases, predation or resource competition. the marmosets callithrix penicillata and callithrix jacchus and hybrids of these two species have been introduced to privately owned forests in the lowland atlantic forest of the rio de janeiro state in brazil, the region of occurrence of the endangered golden lion tamarin, leontopithecus rosalia. because the ecology and biology of ...201020378249
distinct patterns of trypanosoma cruzi infection in leontopithecus rosalia in distinct atlantic coastal rainforest fragments in rio de janeiro--brazil.previous studies on infection of trypanosoma cruzi in the poço das antas biological reserve population of wild free-ranging leontopithecus rosalia have shown the presence of genotype t. cruzi ii, associated in brazil with human disease. herein, this study has been extended, the infection being evaluated in l. rosalia of 3 different tamarin populations, inhabiting distinct forest areas located in the same atlantic coastal rainforest. edentata, marsupialia, rodentia and chiroptera were examined ex ...200415648693
trypanosoma cruzi infection in leontopithecus rosalia at the reserva biológica de poco das antas, rio de janeiro, brazil.wild golden lion tamarins (leontopithecus rosalia) - endangered primates that are native to the brazilian atlantic coastal forest - were surveyed for the presence of trypanosoma cruzi with the use of giemsa-stained blood smears, hemocultures and an indirect immunofluorescence assay (ifat). positive ifat with titers ranging from 1:20 to 1:1280 were observed in 52% of the 118 wild tamarins examined and the parasite was isolated from 38 tamarins. no patent parasitemia was observed among the tamarin ...200010904398
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