
play behavior of the golden-headed lion tamarin in brazilian cocoa agroforests.during play, primates may become more vulnerable to predation. our goal was to examine the potential role of predation risk on the play behavior of 3 groups of golden-headed lion tamarin, leontopithecus chrysomelas, in shaded cocoa agroforest (cabruca) of southern bahia, brazil. we identified the preferred (and safer) locations on vertical strata during playtime and investigated if frequency and duration of play differed according to group size. all groups preferred to play on the lower levels o ...201425116696
occurrence of prosthenorchis elegans in free-living primates from the atlantic forest of southern bahia, brazil.parasite prevalence and abundance are important factors affecting species' conservation. during necropsies on a free-living golden-headed lion tamarin ( leontopithecus chrysomelas ) and two wied's marmosets ( callithrix kuhlii ) in the atlantic forest of southern bahia, brazil, we collected a large number of adult intestinal parasites that we identified as prosthenorchis elegans. this parasite is pathogenic for neotropical primates. prosthenorchis spp. infestation is influenced by diet with incr ...201626981688
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