
establishment of tunga trimamillata (siphonaptera: tungidae) in brazil.tunga trimamillata is a species of sand flea occurring in ecuador and peru parasitizing cattle, goat, sheep, swine, and man. this is the first report of this species in brazil, having been found on the hooves of cows in barretos, são paulo state, and felixlândia, minas gerais state, and previously misidentified as tunga penetrans. a previous report concerning hydrochoerus hydrochaeris from rio novo, minas gerais state, may also be attributed to that species of sand flea, a possible the primary h ...201323797275
capybaras and ticks in the urban areas of uberlândia, minas gerais, brazil: ecological aspects for the epidemiology of tick-borne brazil capybara, the biggest existing rodent species, and associated tick species, amblyomma cajennense and amblyomma dubitatum, are undergoing an unplanned host and parasite population expansion in both urban and rural areas. however, scientific information about such issue, particularly in urban areas, is scanty. such rodent and ticks are associated in some municipalities, particularly in southeastern brazil, with the transmission of the highly lethal rickettsia rickettsia caused spotted-fe ...201222349945
occurrence of fasciola hepatica (linnaeus, 1758) in capybara (hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) (linnaeus, 1766) in minas gerais, brazil.fasciola hepatica is a parasite that affects the hepatic ducts of several species of domestic and wild vertebrates, causing huge economic losses to livestock rearing worldwide. reports on occurrences of f. hepatica in capybaras are an important epidemiological aspect of this disease, since these rodents can be a source of contamination for other animals and humans. in the present study, conducted in a rural area of the municipality of confins, minas gerais, fresh feces from capybaras were collec ...201627096531
[morphology and biometry of eggs and larvae of strongyloides sp. grassi, 1879 (rhabditoidea: strongyloididae), a gastrointestinal parasite of hydrochaeris hydrochaeris (linnaeus, 1766) (rodentia: hydrochaeridae), in the municipality of juiz de fora, minas gerais, brazil].an important method to diagnose and study the helminthofauna of wild animals is to examine the host's feces to find eggs and larvae, seeking to identify the parasites and study their morphobiology. the objective of the present work is to provide morphological and biometric data on the eggs and larvae of strongyloides sp., a capybara gastrointestinal parasite. using the technique of gordon and whitlock, simple flotation and the modified baermann examination, capybara fecal samples were selected b ...200716646995
rickettsial infection in ticks collected from road-killed wild animals in rio de janeiro, brazil.during 2008-2010, ticks were collected from road-killed wild animals within the serra dos orgãos national park area in the state of rio de janeiro, brazil. in total, 193 tick specimens were collected, including amblyomma dubitatum neumann and amblyomma cajennense (f.) from four hydrochoerus hydrochaeris (l.), amblyomma calcaratum neumann and a. cajennense from four tamandua tetradactyla (l.), amblyomma aureolatum (pallas) and a. cajennense from five cerdocyon thous l., amblyomma longirostre (koc ...201223270184
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