
a spectacular new leaf-tailed gecko (carphodactylidae: saltuarius) from the melville range, north-east australia.leaf-tailed geckos are a distinctive group of carphodactyline geckos of rainforests and rocky habitats of eastern australia. three genera are recognized: phyllurus (9 species), saltuarius (6 species) and orraya (1 species). leaf-tailed geckos have been the subject of much survey and taxonomic work because they are large, impressive geckos and generally have highly localized distributions. the six species comprising saltuarius are distributed in rock outcrops and rainforests along the ranges from ...201326176122
two new subspecies of the leaf-tailed gecko phyllurus ossa (lacertilia: carphodactylidae) from mid-eastern queensland, australia.following the discovery of a new population of phyllurus ossa on whitsunday island in the cumberland island group, eastern queensland, we conducted both genetic and morphological analyses to assess differences between all known populations. the analyses revealed three genetically distinct, morphologically diagnosable, geographical units. the differences are such that we recognise these as subspecies: phyllurus ossa ossa restricted to the mt ossa/mt pelion/ mt charlton/ st helens gap area; p. oss ...201326266318
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