
medicinal use of wild fauna by mestizo communities living near san guillermo biosphere reserve (san juan, argentina).wild and domestic animals and their by-products are important ingredients in the preparation of curative, protective and preventive medicines. despite the medicinal use of animals worldwide, this topic has received less attention than the use of medicinal plants. this study assessed the medicinal use of animals by mestizo communities living near san guillermo mab reserve by addressing the following questions: what animal species and body parts are used? what ailments or diseases are treated with ...201525608977
the effects of poaching and habitat structure on anti-predator behavioral strategies: a guanaco population in a high cold desert as case study.the effects of poaching on wildlife have been widely studied in conservation biology and can be heterogeneous, particularly on ungulates. these effects can be estimated through different methodologies whose use depends on several conditions such as flight-initiation distance (fid). our objectives were: 1- to evaluate whether poaching affects the fid and group structure of a guanaco (lama guanicoe) population in a high cold desert in san juan (argentina); 2- to assess whether habitat structure (s ...201728859147
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