
use of soybean meal and papain to partially replace animal protein for culturing three marine fish species: fish growth and water quality.the main aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of using soybean meal added with papain to replace half of the fishmeal used in the moist pellets (49% fishmeal and 45% trash fish) developed by the hong kong agriculture, fisheries and conservation department (afcd) for culturing marine fish. gold-lined seabream (rhabdosargus sarba), brown spotted grouper (epinephelus bleekeri) and pompano (trachinotus blochii) were farmed at one of the research stations (kat-o) of afcd, for a period ...201627498342
modulated heat shock protein expression during pathogenic vibrio alginolyticus stress of sea bream.the effects of infective vibrio alginolyticus and its extracellular product (ecp) on host fish function are not well understood. in this study a partial biochemical characterization of the ecp from an infective strain of v. alginolyticus isolated from diseased silver sea bream sparus sarba was achieved and the effects of live v. alginolyticus and ecp on hepatic heat shock protein (hsp) expression was compared. the ecp fraction was found to contain several hydrolytic enzymes including both haemol ...200415672876
heavy metal concentrations in marine fishes collected from fish culture sites in hong kong.the levels of six heavy metals (cd, cr, cu, ni, pb, and zn) in different tissues of three species of cultured marine fishes (epinephelus areolatus, lutjanus russelli, and sparus sarba) collected from three fish culture sites in hong kong were evaluated. metal pollution problems in the fish culture sites were serious, as reflected by the high metal concentrations recorded in sea water, sediments, and the biomonitor perna viridis. in general, tissues of all three species contained high concentrati ...200111116341
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