
seasonal and tissue distribution of laribacter hongkongensis, a novel bacterium associated with gastroenteritis, in retail freshwater fish in hong kong.laribacter hongkongensis, a recently discovered bacterium associated with community-acquired gastroenteritis, has been found in the intestines of freshwater fish. to better understand the epidemiology and ecology of the bacterium, we carried out a surveillance study to investigate possible seasonal variation in the recovery of l. hongkongensis and its distribution in various organs in retail freshwater fish in hong kong. forty whole freshwater fish of two species (20 grass carps and 20 bighead c ...200716996630
the use of food waste-based diets and napier grass to culture grass carp: growth performance and contaminants contained in cultured fish.the present study used commercial feeds, food waste feeds, napier grass, and mixed feeds (food waste feed to napier grass ratio, 1:10) to feed grass carp (ctenopharyngodon idellus). the results indicated that grass carp fed with food waste feeds and mix feeds achieved growth performance (based on specific growth rate and feed conversion ratio) that was similar to commercial feeds (pā€‰>ā€‰0.05). concentrations of metalloid/metals in food waste feeds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) in nap ...201626289329
upgrading food wastes by means of bromelain and papain to enhance growth and immunity of grass carp (ctenopharyngodon idella).the fast growing of global aquaculture industry accompanied with increasing pressure on the supply and price of traditional feed materials (e.g., fish meal and soy bean meal). this circumstance has urged the need to search alternative sources of feed stuff. food waste was used as feed stuff in rearing fish which possess substantial protein and lipid. grass carp are major species reared in hong kong with lower nutritional requirements; it is also an ideal species for investigating the feasibility ...201626092357
risk assessment for human consumption of perfluorinated compound-contaminated freshwater and marine fish from hong kong and xiamen.perfluorinated compounds (pfcs) are man-made fluoro-surfactants that are identified as global pollutants and can pose health risks to humans and wildlife. two aspects of risk assessment were conducted in this study, including exposure and response. exposure was estimated by using the concentrations of pfcs in fish and applying standard exposure factors. among different pfcs, pfos, pfoa, pfna, pfda, pfuda and pftrda were detected. total concentrations of pfc in fish ranged from 0.27-8.4 ng g(-1) ...201121705041
risk assessment of pcdd/fs levels in human tissues related to major food items based on chemical analyses and micro-erod assay.nine groups of food items (freshwater fish, marine fish, pork, chicken, chicken eggs, leafy, non-leafy vegetables, rice and flour) and three types of human samples (human milk, maternal serum and cord serum) were collected for the analysis of pcdd/fs. results of chemical analysis revealed pcdd/fs concentrations (pg g(-1) fat) in the following ascending order: pork (0.289 pg g(-1) fat), grass carp (ctenopharyngodon idellus) (freshwater fish) (0.407), golden thread (nemipterus virgatus) (marine fi ...200919535140
environmental surveillance for laribacter hongkongensis, a diarrhoeal pathogen discovered in hong kong.1. laribacter hongkongensis was isolated from the midguts and hindguts of 86 (24%) of 360 freshwater fish from retail markets, including grass carp (60%), bighead carp (53%), mud carp (25%), and large-mouth bass (5%). 2. this study is the first to demonstrate the presence of l hongkongensis in natural water environments, with the bacterium being isolated from the waters of six reservoirs, with higher recovery rates in summer and during days of higher water and ambient temperatures. 3. molecular ...200919258631
food wastes as fish feeds for polyculture of low-trophic-level fish: bioaccumulation and health risk assessments of heavy metals in the cultured fish.the major purpose of this study was to use different types of food wastes which serve as the major sources of protein to replace the fish meal used in fish feeds to produce quality fish. two types of food waste-based feed pellets fw a (with cereals) and fw b (with cereals and meat products) and the commercial feed jinfeng® were used to culture fingerlings of three low-trophic-level fish species: bighead carp, grass carp, and mud carp (in the ratio of 1:3:1) for 1 year period in the sha tau kok o ...027002811
the measurement of bisphenol a and its analogues, perfluorinated compounds in twenty species of freshwater and marine fishes, a time-trend comparison and human health based assessment.our previous study in 2011 reported the detection of bpa and pfaas in 20 species of marine and freshwater fishes. with an emerging evidence to suggest the metabolic-disrupting effects of bpa/pfaas in animals, the present study was aimed to provide a time-trend analysis to determine the current concentrations of pfaas and bpa in 20 commercially available hong kong species of fishes. since the manufacture and use of bpa is being prohibited in most nations, the introduction of bpa alternatives has ...201728552249
a study of radioactivities in six types of fish consumed in hong kong.the contents of natural and artificial radionuclides in two types of fresh water fish and four types of marine fish commonly consumed by the hong kong population have been measured using hpge gamma-ray spectrometry. the two types of fresh water fish are grey mullet (mugil cephalus) and grass carp (ctenopharyngodon idellus). the four types of marine fish are white pomfret (pampus argenteus), red bullseye (priacanthus macracanthus), golden thread (nemipterus) and ginkgo (gymnocranius griseus). all ...19979106991
arsenic contamination in the freshwater fish ponds of pearl river delta: bioaccumulation and health risk assessment.this study investigated the extent of arsenic (as) contamination in five common species of freshwater fish (northern snakehead [channa argus], mandrarin fish [siniperca chuatsi], largemouth bass [lepomis macrochirous], bighead carp [aristichthys nobilis] and grass carp [ctenopharyngodon idellus]) and their associated fish pond sediments collected from 18 freshwater fish ponds around the pearl river delta (prd). the total as concentrations detected in fish muscle and sediment in freshwater ponds ...201323247527
the use of food wastes as feed ingredients for culturing grass carp (ctenopharyngodon idellus) in hong kong.different types of food wastes, e.g., meats, bones, cereals, fruits, and vegetables, were collected from hotels in hong kong, mixed in different ratio, and processed into feed pellets (food wastes (fws) a, b, and c) for feeding trials in aquaculture species. grass carp fed with cereal-dominant feed (fw a) showed the best growth (in terms of specific growth rate, relative weight gain, and protein efficiency ratio), among all food waste feeds. however, the growth rates of food waste groups especia ...026432269
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