revision of dioncopseudobenedenia yamaguti, 1965 including the description of d. ancoralis sp. n. (monogenea: capsalidae) from pacific acanthuroid teleosts. | dioncopseudobenedenia yamaguti, 1965 (monogenea: capsalidae) is redefined. dioncopseudobenedenia kala yamaguti, 1965 (type species) is redescribed from type material from hawaii and from new specimens from heron island, queensland, australia and new caledonia. we made detailed observations on d. macracantha yamaguti, 1968 from type material from hawaii, and from new material from heron island and new caledonia. dioncopseudobenedenia ancoralis sp. n. is described from the gill chamber of siganus ... | 2011 | 22263307 |