
dieldrin-induced mortality in an endangered species, the gray bat (myotis grisescens).brains of juvenile gray bats, myotis grisescens, found dead beneath maternity roosts in two missouri caves contained lethal concentrations of dieldrin. one colony appeared to be abnormally small, and more dead bats were found a year after the juvenile bats had been collected. this is the first report to link the field mortality of bats directly to insecticide residues acquired through the food chain.1978564550
dieldrin and heptachlor residues in dead gray bats, franklin county, missouri--1976 versus 1977.lethal dieldrin concentrations were found in the brains of dead gray bats (myotis grisescens) collected during 1976 and 1977 beneath a maternity roost in a missouri cave. in addition, residues of heptachlor epoxide, oxychlordane, cis-chlordane, and trans-nonachlor increased significantly in both brains and carcasses of bats collected during 1977. these increases appear to reflect a switch by local farmers from aldrin, dieldrin's parent compound, to heptachlor for the control of cutworms. they al ...19807383836
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