
experimental infection of pups with ancylostoma caninum larvae from an abnormal host, the chicken.the migration and distribution of ancylostoma caninum larvae in the tissues of chickens, infected orally with 1,000 larvae, were studied. larval yield at necropsy from different organs after digestion with artificial gastric juice revealed a 62.9% recovery four hours after inoculation, followed by a sharp decline to 5.4% at 72 hours. larvae were found in the heart within four hours, the lungs within eight hours and the liver within 12 to 18 hours but no larvae were recovered from the spleen, kid ...19854093588
effect of spleen extracts on the immune response in chickens to ancylostoma caninum larvae.spleen extracts from wlh chickens nonsensitized and sensitized by repeated infections of ancylostoma caninum larvae were injected separately into isologous recipients. extracts from donors infected with repeated high dose (250 + 250 + 500) and low dose (125 + 125 + 250) of larvae induced a significant acquired protective immune response when compared to controls which received normal extracts. no significant difference was observed between the two experimental groups. the filariform ancylostoma ...19846527002
effect of repeatedly sensitized bursal extract on the resistance of wlh chickens to experimental infection of ancylostoma caninum larvae. 19827118369
tribendimidine: a promising, safe and broad-spectrum anthelmintic agent from china.we review, for the first time, a 20-year chinese story of research and development pertaining to tribendimidine, a promising anthelmintic agent that is safe and exhibits a broad spectrum of activity. tribendimidine was first synthesized at the national institute of parasitic diseases in shanghai in the mid 1980s. in laboratory studies, tribendimidine showed high efficacy against nippostrongylus braziliensis in rats, necator americanus in hamsters, ancylostoma caninum and toxocara canis in dogs, ...200515777691
experimental infection of chickens with ancylostoma caninum: migration and distribution of larvae in tissues.two hundred one-day-old male white leghorn chickens (gallus domesticus) divided into 4 groups were inoculated with a single dose of 500, 1000, 2000 or 4000 filariform larvae of ancylostoma caninum. larval recoveries were made from different tissues at intervals from 4 hours to 72 hours after infection. larval migration in the heart took place within 4 hours in all the groups except group a with 500 larvae and in thoracic muscle at 8 hours. larvae also migrated into liver, lungs and neck muscle w ...19807410806
experimental ancylostomiasis in chickens: effect of various dose of infective ancylostoma caninum larvae on their migration and distribution.white leghorn chickens, when infected with repeated doses of ancylostoma caninum larvae, expel the larvae at a faster rate than when infected with a single dose. this suggests that the initial dose induces some resistance in the host. an initial dose of 1000 and 2000 larvae, followed by a 2nd dose of the same order, induces resistance in the alimentary tract causing the entire larval burden either to migrate to other tissues (organs) or to be expelled in 24 h.19836873246
experimental infection of ancylostoma caninum in chickens: immunization through transfer of sensitized bursal attempt has been made to demonstrate the immune response in chickens to infection by the dog hookworm ancylostoma caninum following transfer of sensitized bursal cells from infected donor chickens. recipients were challenged with a dose of 500 larvae each, 1, 3 and 5 days after cell transfer. the immune response was found to be more pronounced in recipients challenged 5 days after cell transfer than in those challenged 1 or 3 days after transfer and those which received non-sensitized bursal ...19863805714
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