
sporotrichosis in a nine-banded armadillo (dasypus novemcinctus).an adult female nine-banded armadillo (dasypus novemcinctus) died in the quarantine station of a private swiss zoo. multifocal ulcerative skin lesions and multiple hemorrhages in the lungs were found at necropsy. the spleen was enlarged and dark red. histologically, there was diffuse granulomatous infiltration, including multinucleated giant cells, of the skin lesions, lungs, spleen, liver, heart, and kidneys. abundant periodic acid-schiff-positive yeastlike cells were demonstrated intracellular ...199810065860
sporothrix schenckii sensu stricto isolated from soil in an armadillo's burrow.sporotrichosis is a polymorphic disease of man and animals caused by traumatic implantation of propagules into the skin and subcutaneous tissue. pathogenic species includes s. brasiliensis, s. schenckii, s. globosa and s. luriei. the disease is remarkable for its occurrence as sapronoses and/or zoonosis outbreaks in tropical and subtropical areas; although, the ecology of the clinical clade is still puzzling. here, we describe an anamorphic sporothrix strain isolated from soil in an armadillo's ...201424577793
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