
experimental toxoplasmosis in japanese quail.twenty-four 5-month-old battery-hatched japanese quail were inoculated orally with 10(5) (me 49 strain, group a, 6 birds), 10(3) (me 49 strain, group b, 6 birds), 10(5) (gt-1 strain, group c, 6 birds), and 10(3) (gt-1 strain, group d, 6 birds) toxoplasma gondii oocysts. all birds in group c died or were euthanized within 8 days after inoculation (dai). five of the 6 birds in group d died or were euthanized 8, 9, 15, 19, and 23 dai. one of the 6 quail in group a died 9 dai, and 1 of the 6 birds i ...19948068754
experimental toxoplasmosis in japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica).in this study, forming of experimental toxoplasmosis in quails; clinical, pathological, and serological determination of tissue lesions and bioassay techniques, which were aimed to compare them and determine pathogenesis.201728695827
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