
sublethal dietary effects of microcystis on sacramento splittail, pogonichthys macrolepidotus.the presence of the toxic cyanobacterium microcystis in the upper san francisco estuary (sfe) since 1999 is a potential but to date an unquantified threat to the health and survival of aquatic organisms, such as fish and zooplankton. the microcystins (mcs) predominantly in the lr-form (mc-lr) contained in microcystis is hepatotoxic and a potential threat to the fishery. this study was conducted to determine the effects of dietary exposure of the endemic sacramento splittail, pogonichthys macrole ...201122245626
contaminant concentrations and histopathological effects in sacramento splittail (pogonichthys macrolepidotus).sacramento splittail (pogonichthys macrolepidotus) is a species of special concern in california, due to multiple anthropogenic stressors. to better understand the potential impact of contaminant exposure, adult splittail were captured from the sacramento-san joaquin river delta (california, usa) and analyzed for histopathology and contaminant exposure. organochlorine contaminants (pcbs, ddts, dieldrin, chlordanes, and pbdes) and trace metals (ag, as, cd, co, cr, cu, fe, mn, mo, ni, pb, se, sn, ...200818185947
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