
evaluation of the fluorescence polarization assay and comparison to other serological assays for detection of brucellosis in cervids.the complement fixation test (cft), competitive enzyme immunoassay (celisa), indirect enzyme immunoassay (ielisa) and fluorescence polarization assay (fpa) were evaluated for the detection of antibodies to brucella abortus and brucella suis biotype 4 in caribou (rangifer tarandus caribou), elk (cervus elapus), red deer (cervus elapus), and reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus). when combining the data the fpa and the celisa were determined to be the most suitable tests for serodiagnosis of cervi ...200111272484
transmission of brucellosis from reindeer to cattle.sixteen reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus) naturally infected with brucella suis biovar 4 were penned with 6 male and 2 female cattle for 30 days, then removed and euthanatized. during this period, 5 reindeer had fawns, and 2 reindeer aborted. brucella suis biovar 4 was recovered from all adult reindeer at necropsy. nine reindeer had b suis biovar 4 in uterus, udder, and/or milk. the cattle were euthanatized 2 months after the reindeer were removed. clinical or pathologic signs of disease wer ...19938407493
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