
entamoeba dispar, but not e. histolytica, detected in a colony of chimpanzees in japan.chimpanzees (pan troglodytes) residing in the kumamoto primate research park, sanwa kagaku kenkyusho, were surveyed for the presence of intestinal parasites. stool samples from 107 chimpanzees were examined by microscopy after formalin-ether sedimentation. of these animals, 100 were infected with at least 1 species of ameba. the positivity rates recorded were as follows: entamoeba coli, 88%; e. histolytica/e. dispar, 48%; e. hartmanni, 15%; iodamoeba buetschlii, 8%; endolimax nana, 4%; and entam ...200010935902
parasitological analyses of the male chimpanzees (pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) at ngogo, kibale national park, uganda.numerous intestinal parasites identified in populations of wild nonhuman primates can be pathogenic to humans. furthermore, nonhuman primates are susceptible to a variety of human pathogens. because of increasing human encroachment into previously nonimpacted forests, and the potential for disease transmission between human and nonhuman primate populations, further detailed investigations of primate ecological parasitology are warranted. for meaningful comparisons to be made, it is important for ...200515706587
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