
a novel c-type lectin in the black tiger shrimp penaeus monodon functions as a pattern recognition receptor by binding and causing bacterial agglutination.c-type lectins are pattern recognition proteins that play important roles in innate immunity in invertebrates by mediating the recognition of pathogens. in this study, a novel c-type lectin gene, pmclec, was cloned and characterized from the black tiger shrimp penaeus monodon. the open reading frame of pmclec is 657 bp in length. it encodes a predicted protein of 218 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass and an isoelectric point of 24086 da and 4.67, respectively. sequence analysis of pmc ...201727876622
domain inhibitory and bacteriostatic activities of the five-domain kazal-type serine proteinase inhibitor from black tiger shrimp penaeus monodon.serine proteinase inhibitors (spis) in multi-cellular organisms are important modulators of proteinase activities in various biological processes. a five-domain kazal-type spi spipm2 from the black tiger shrimp penaeus monodon is presumably involved in innate immune response. the spipm2 with the domain p1 residues t, a, e, k and e was isolated from the hemocyte cdna libraries and found to strongly inhibit subtilisin and elastase, and weakly inhibit trypsin. to unravel further the inhibitory acti ...200918930077
kazal-type serine proteinase inhibitors from the black tiger shrimp penaeus monodon and the inhibitory activities of spipm4 and 5.serine proteinase inhibitors (spis) play important roles in physiological and immunological processes involving proteinases in all multicellular organisms. in black tiger shrimp penaeus monodon, nine different kazal-type spis, namely spipm1-9, were identified from the cdna libraries of hemocyte, hepatopancreas, hematopoietic tissue, ovary and lymphoid organ. they are multi-domain spis containing 2-7 and possibly more kazal domains. two interesting cdna clones, spipm4 and spipm5 coding for two-do ...200919497371
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