
uncinaria sanguinis sp. n. (nematoda: ancylostomatidae) from the endangered australian sea lion, neophoca cinerea (carnivora: otariidae).this study investigates the identity of hookworms parasitising the australian sea lion, neophoca cinerea (péron), from three colonies in south australia, australia. the australian sea lion is at risk of extinction because its population is small and genetically fragmented. using morphological and molecular techniques, we describe a single novel species, uncinaria sanguinis sp. n. (nematoda: ancylostomatidae). the new species is most similar to hookworms also parasitic in otariid hosts, uncinaria ...201425065131
morphometric and molecular characterization of the species of uncinaria frölich, 1789 (nematoda) parasitic in the australian fur seal arctocephalus pusillus doriferus (schreber), with notes on hookworms in three other pinniped hosts.this study presents morphological and molecular data on hookworms from the australian fur seal arctocephalus pusillus doriferus (schreber) currently identified in australian waters as uncinaria hamiltoni baylis, 1933. additional specimens from the australian sea lion neophoca cinerea (péron) and the new zealand fur seal arctocephalus forsteri (lesson) from australia, and the southern elephant seal mirounga leonina (linnaeus) from antarctica, were included. using the internal transcribed spacer ( ...201323595493
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