
potential for hepatic and renal dysfunction during influenza b infection, convalescence, and after induction of secondary viremia.whether infection with influenza b virus alters hepatic function was examined in the ferret. also, the possibility that viral-specific antibodies (ab) could be produced well before their detection in serum was explored. during the febrile period of influenza, reductions in the serum potassium, anion gap, ammonia, albumin and cpk and elevations of the bun, creatinine and the ggtp levels occurred. with convalescence, the electrolytes, bun and creatinine normalized, ffa, sgpt and cpk levels rose an ...19921352541
interactions of ibuprofen with influenza infection and hyperammonemia in an animal model of reye's syndrome.we have previously reported that a single meal of an arginine-free diet rapidly induces hyperammonemia in young ferrets and that aspirin administration in conjunction with influenza b infection and arginine-free diet results in clinical and biochemical alterations consistent with reye's syndrome. the objective of the present study was to test whether ibuprofen administration, either alone or in combination with influenza infection and arginine-free diet, produces a similar effect. two-mo-old fer ...19921561011
acute alterations in the regulation of lipid metabolism after intravascular reexposure to a single bolus of homologous virus during influenza b infection in ferrets: possible model of epiphenomena associated with influenza.metabolic responses occurring 24 h following the secondary haematogenous dissemination of influenza b virus during convalescence from infection were examined in the ferret as a possible model for epiphenomena which can occur following infection with influenza. among the major changes found were a further rise in the mean fasting serum free fatty acid (ffa) level to three times the control mean value and a 50% drop in the mean serum triglyceride (tg) concentration after the intravascular administ ...19911843259
evaluation of the anti-influenza virus activities of 1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-ylcyanamide (ly217896) and its sodium salt.1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-ylcyanamide (ly217896) and its sodium salt were shown to be effective against influenza a and b viruses in vitro and in the mouse model. in nondividing confluent mdck cells, the 50% inhibitory concentration of ly217896 ranged from 0.37 to 1.19 micrograms/ml against various strains of influenza a virus and from 0.75 to 1.54 micrograms/ml against various strains of influenza b virus, with no apparent cytotoxicity. however, at a concentration of 0.31 microgram/ml, ly217896 inhibi ...19902073106
hepatic steatosis during convalescence from influenza b infection in ferrets with postprandial hyperinsulinemia.the possibility that postprandial hyperinsulinemia could play a role in the development of hepatic lipid disturbances during convalescence from influenza b infection was explored in the ferret as a possible model of the steatosis of reye's syndrome. postprandial hyperinsulinemia was produced by feeding young ferrets glucose/water and a regular diet (glucose-treated group), as reflected by the mean serum insulin levels attained, which were 57 and 135 microu/ml during control and postinfluenza per ...19902205696
cocirculation of two distinct evolutionary lineages of influenza type b virus since 1983.during 1988-1989 two highly distinct antigenic variants of influenza type b were recognized in hemagglutination-inhibition tests with postinfection ferret serum. these viruses were antigenically related to either b/victoria/2/87, the most recent reference strain, or b/yamagata/16/88, a variant that was isolated in japan in may 1988. all influenza b viruses isolated in the united states during an epidemic in the winter of 1988-1989 were antigenically related to b/victoria/2/87. however, in severa ...19902309452
laboratory properties of cold-adapted influenza b live vaccine strains developed in the us and ussr, and their b/ann arbor/1/86 cold-adapted reassortant vaccine candidates.the adaptation of two influenza b strains (b/leningrad/14/55 and b/ann arbor/1/66) to replication at 25 degrees c is described. comparison of the two viruses indicates that both also exhibit temperature sensitive phenotypes, although that of the virus b/leningrad/14/55 is less pronounced. when inoculated into ferrets both viruses replicate well in the trachea, but only the b/leningrad/14/55 cold-adapted virus replicates in the lungs. this virus exhibited a moderate level of attenuation in the an ...19902316285
effect of upper respiratory infection on hearing in the ferret an effort to develop an adult animal model for acquired viral-induced hearing loss, three groups of mature ferrets were inoculated intranasally with respiratory viruses (influenza a/port chalmers, influenza b/mass, and parainfluenza i), which have been implicated as causative agents in idiopathic sudden hearing loss (ishl). all ferrets challenged with influenza a/port chalmers (a/pc) exhibited clinical signs of infection, but neither of the other two groups exhibited such signs. conductive an ...19873039863
response of epithelial cells of the choroid plexus in the ferret model for reye's syndrome.the structural integrity of epithelial cells of the lateral choroid plexus tissues from the ferret model for reye's syndrome was examined by transmission electron microscopy after the animals were inoculated intranasally with influenza b, were administered aspirin, and/or were fed an arginine deficient diet singly and in combination. no cellular alteration in the choroidal epithelium was caused by influenza b nor by aspirin, however, the synthetic diet produced random intercellular edema. the st ...19873821066
the ferret as a model for inner ear research.viral infections have long been suspected to be causative agents in a number of inner ear dysfunctions. with few exceptions, the virus has not been demonstrated as the direct agent leading to hearing loss and/or vertigo. selective inner ear changes have been observed recently in sensory and nonsensory epithelial cells in the ferret model for reye's syndrome after intranasal inoculation with influenza b combined with aspirin administration and the creation of an arginine deficiency. such findings ...19854021437
immunity to influenza in ferrets. vii. effect of previous infection with heterotypic and heterologous influenza viruses on the response of ferrets to inactivated influenza virus vaccines.normal ferrets did not produce serum antibody following immunization with 200 i.u. of inactivated a/hong kong/68 influenza virus vaccine and were found to be susceptible to subsequent challenge infection with a/hong kong/68 virus. high titres of virus were recovered from nasal washings collected 3 days after infection, serum antibody was produced, increased nasal protein was detected and hi antibody was detected in nasal washings. ferrets infected with influenza virus a/pr/8/34 7 weeks before im ...19744522247
antigenic relationship between influenza b viruses.the object of this study was to determine whether antigenic groupings exist among influenza b viruses. altogether, 22 influenza type b strains isolated during the years 1940-68 were examined by reciprocal haemagglutination-inhibition, strain-specific complement-fixation, and serum neutralization tests with sera produced in ferrets and guinea-pigs. it was found that the strain-specific complement-fixation test was superior for separating influenza b viruses into groups whereas the haemagglutinati ...19715317011
heterogeneity of influenza b viruses.antigenic analysis of influenza b strains isolated in 1981-82 from england, japan, and the usa, using a panel of monoclonal antibodies to the haemagglutinin of b/oregon/5/80, showed considerable heterogeneity among the isolates, the majority of which had distinct reactivity patterns. antigenically similar viruses were isolated from england, japan, and the usa, and heterogeneity was detected among isolates from each country. further studies are needed to determine whether this marked heterogeneit ...19836194912
altered auditory brainstem evoked responses in the ferret model for reye's syndrome.the effects of influenza b, aspirin and hyperammonemia on the functional integrity of the cochlea were examined using the ferret model for reye's syndrome. auditory brainstem evoked responses (abr) were recorded from treated ferrets and compared to those recorded from controls. delayed latencies of all waves, as well as increased i-iv interwave latencies were observed in recordings from treated ferrets. importantly, the latencies of wave i, nerve generator potential from the eighth nerve, and wa ...19846480231
effects of influenza infection, aspirin, and an arginine-deficient diet on the inner ear in reye's syndrome.the individual effects of an influenza b viral infection, aspirin, and an arginine-deficient diet on the inner ear were assessed in the ferret model for reye's syndrome using both functional and morphological parameters. auditory brainstem evoked responses recorded from inoculated ferrets revealed threshold elevations and increased latencies during the first 72 hours, but approximated those of control animals by 96 hours. although there was a mild distention of reissner's membrane, no pronounced ...19846508126
free fatty acids in an animal model of reye's syndrome.recent studies have indicated that viral infections, aspirin treatment and hyperammonemia are associated with reye's syndrome. it has also been reported that free fatty acids in serum and total lipids in the liver of reye's syndrome patients are elevated during illness. the role of the lipid changes in the development of the disorder cannot be optimally studied in human patients, because infection and aspirin ingestion occur prior to the earliest symptoms of reye's syndrome. effects of influenza ...19836615853
inner ear changes in the ferret model for reye's syndrome.the acute effects of influenza b, aspirin, and hyperammonemia on the inner ear were examined using the ferret model for reye's syndrome. histopathologic examination revealed varying degrees of vacuolization in both the sensory and nonsensory endolymphatic tissues of the cochlear and vestibular membranous labyrinth. the secretory epithelial cells of the stria vascularis and the vestibular dark cells appeared to be more severely affected, as demonstrated by the presence of an extensive number of i ...19846742340
evaluation of an attenuated, cold-recombinant influenza b virus vaccine.a live, attenuated influenza b virus vaccine was evaluated in a group of students. the virus, cold-recombinant (cr) 7, was produced by recombining the attenuated cold-adapted parent, b/ann arbor/1/66, with a wild strain, b/hong kong/8/73. in ferrets, the wild strain produced histopathologic lesions in the lungs, whereas the cr strain and the attenuated parent did not. a total of 306 individuals was inoculated intranasally with either the cr virus or a placebo. after inoculation, only one symptom ...19827054318
analysis of antigenic drift in the haemagglutinin molecule of influenza b virus with monoclonal antibodies.antigenic drift in the haemagglutinin (ha) molecule of influenza b viruses was studied with monoclonal antibodies. antigenic drift occurred in each of the 12 different epitopes studied and there was evidence that at least two antigenically distinguishable influenza b virus strains can co-circulate during an epidemic. the frequency of antigenic variation in the ha of influenza a strains. haemagglutination inhibition (hi) tests on antigenic variants selected with 12 different monoclonal antibodies ...19817288409
[influenza in the 1994/95 season; composition of vaccine for the 1995/96 season].the 1994/'95 season in the netherlands was marked by a limited influenza activity which only emerged in late february. the influenza activity remained elevated until the end of april, which is unusually late, and epidemic activity was only reported in the south of the country. both influenza a/h3n2 and b viruses were isolated in this period. in addition, influenza a/hini viruses were isolated for the first time since march 1993, from two patients. the majority of the influenza a strains that cir ...19957477582
efficacy of 2'-deoxy-2'-fluororibosides against influenza a and b viruses in ferrets.single-dose treatments (5 to 40 mg/kg of body weight given intraperitoneally) of ferrets with 2'-deoxy-2'-fluoroguanosine or its prodrug, 2,6-diamino-purine-2'-fluororiboside, 1 h after infection with influenza a virus significantly inhibited replication of virus in the upper respiratory tract, resulting in amelioration of fever and nasal inflammation. replication of virus in the lower respiratory tract was also reduced > 100-fold, but three doses were required to prevent replication in the lung ...19947986023
comparison of influenza serological techniques by international collaborative international collaborative study was performed to investigate the reproducibility of influenza serological techniques. participants in seven laboratories representing five countries measured antibody to a/sichuan/2/87 (h3n2), a/taiwan/1/86 (h1n1) and b/beijing/1/87 influenza viruses in 11 human sera and three postinfection ferret sera. two different serological techniques were used, haemagglutination inhibition (hi) and single-radial haemolysis (srh) and, although each technique was reproduc ...19948147099
zanamivir.zanamivir is the first of a new class of selective influenza virus neuraminidase inhibitors. it inhibits both influenza a and influenza b virus replication in vitro. in the ferret model of influenza, zanamivir reduced viral replication and diminished pyrexia associated with the infection. repeated passage of influenza virus in the presence of zanamivir could produce resistance in vitro. however, there have been no changes in sensitivity to zanamivir in any influenza virus isolates from patients ...19989585868
evidence for zanamivir resistance in an immunocompromised child infected with influenza b virus.zanamivir, a neuraminidase inhibitor, has shown promise as a drug to control influenza. during prolonged treatment with zanamivir, a mutant virus was isolated from an immunocompromised child infected with influenza b virus. a hemagglutinin mutation (198 thr-->ile) reduced the virus affinity for receptors found on susceptible human cells. a mutation in the neuraminidase active site (152 arg-->lys) led to a 1000-fold reduction in the enzyme sensitivity to zanamivir. when tested in ferrets, the mut ...19989780244
serum amyloid p component inhibits influenza a virus infections: in vitro and in vivo studies.serum amyloid p component (sap) binds in vitro ca(2+)-dependently to several ligands including oligosaccharides with terminal mannose and galactose. we have earlier reported that sap binds to human influenza a virus strains, inhibiting hemagglutinin (ha) activity and virus infectivity in vitro. these studies were extended to comprise five mouse-adapted influenza a strains, two swine influenza a strains, a mink influenza a virus, a ferret influenza a reassortant virus, a influenza b virus and a p ...200111530187
emergence of an influenza b virus with antigenic change.influenza b virus yamagata group strains, isolated in the 2000 to 2001 influenza epidemic season, reacted poorly to the polyclonal ferret sera prepared against strains isolated earlier. the results of genetic analysis clarified that a point mutation of the nucleotide at position 126 in the ha1 region and the corresponding one-amino-acid substitution altered viral antigenicity.200212149383
neutralizing epitopes specific for influenza b virus yamagata group strains are in the 'loop'.to study the neutralizing epitopes of influenza b virus yamagata group strains, two monoclonal antibodies (mabs) were used to select escape mutants of the virus. mabs 5h4 and 3a12 were found to react with b/yamagata group strains in haemagglutination inhibition and neutralization tests; no reactivity with b/victoria group strains was observed. most of the mutants reacted poorly to polyclonal ferret antibody against the 1998 isolate. analysis of the deduced amino acid sequences identified a singl ...200312655076
antigenic and genomic relation between human influenza viruses that circulated in argentina in the period 1995-1999 and the corresponding vaccine components.the analysis of epidemic influenza virus has been focused on antigenic and genomic characterization of the hemagglutinin (ha) glycoprotein in order to detect new variants for the recommendation of the vaccine strains in each season. since october 1998, who organized a second meeting to evaluate the vaccine formula for the southern hemisphere.200312957183
influenza b virus victoria group with a new glycosylation site was epidemic in japan in the 2002-2003 the 2002-2003 season, influenza b virus victoria strains were epidemic after a 6-year absence in kobe city, japan. they reacted poorly to the immune ferret sera prepared for use against the previous strain. an amino acid substitution in the ha1 region caused them to acquire an n-linked glycosylation site.200415243097
multiple gene segments control the temperature sensitivity and attenuation phenotypes of ca b/ann arbor/1/66.cold-adapted (ca) b/ann arbor/1/66 is the influenza b virus strain master donor virus for flumist, a live, attenuated, influenza virus vaccine licensed in 2003 in the united states. each flumist vaccine strain contains six gene segments of the master donor virus; these master donor gene segments control the vaccine's replication and attenuation. these gene segments also express characteristic biological traits in model systems. unlike most virulent wild-type (wt) influenza b viruses, ca b/ann ar ...200516103152
susceptibilities of antiviral-resistant influenza viruses to novel neuraminidase inhibitors.the susceptibilities of five zanamivir-resistant and six oseltamivir-resistant influenza viruses were assessed against four neuraminidase (na) inhibitors, including peramivir and a-315675, by a fluorometric na activity inhibition assay. the enzyme activity of a majority of the variants was effectively inhibited by either a-315675 or both peramivir and a-315675 (50% inhibitory concentration, <10 nm). a novel oseltamivir-resistant influenza virus b variant carrying substitution at residue 198 (asp ...200516251290
bacterial sinusitis and otitis media following influenza virus infection in ferrets.streptococcus pneumoniae is the leading cause of otitis media, sinusitis, and pneumonia. many of these infections result from antecedent influenza virus infections. in this study we sought to determine whether the frequency and character of secondary pneumococcal infections differed depending on the strain of influenza virus that preceded bacterial challenge. in young ferrets infected with influenza virus and then challenged with pneumococcus, influenza viruses of any subtype increased bacterial ...200616622191
stabilizing the glycosylation pattern of influenza b hemagglutinin following adaptation to growth in eggs.the currently circulating influenza b viruses from both antigenic lineages contain an n-linked glycosylation site in the hemagglutinin (ha) protein at positions of 196 or 197. however, egg adaptation caused the loss of the glycosylation site that could impact virus antigenicity and vaccine efficacy. the effect of the 196/197 glycosylation site on influenza b virus growth and antigenicity was systemically evaluated in this study by the molecular approach. paired recombinant 6:2 reassortant influe ...200818079027
genetic and antigenic analysis of epidemic influenza viruses isolated during 2006-2007 season in taiwan.influenza viruses are some of the most active pathogens in taiwan. the monitoring influenza activity has been coordinated by the centers for diseases control, taiwan, and the surveillance is based on integrated clinical and virological surveillance components. data from sentinel physician networks and other sources, mainly hospitals were collected. during 2006-07 season, a total of 1724 cases of laboratory-confirmed influenza were reported by collaborating laboratories and sentinels, which was f ...200818098164
live, attenuated influenza virus (laiv) vehicles are strong inducers of immunity toward influenza b virus.historically, vaccines developed toward influenza viruses of the b type using methodologies developed for influenza a viruses as a blueprint have not been equally efficacious or effective. because most influenza research and public attention concerns influenza a viruses, these shortcomings have not been adequately addressed. in this manuscript, we utilized different influenza vaccine vehicles to compare immunogenicity and protection in mice and ferrets after vaccination against an influenza b vi ...200818708106
development of a live-attenuated influenza b deltans1 intranasal vaccine candidate.we discovered a unique, single amino acid mutation in the influenza b m1 protein promoting viral growth of ns1 truncation mutants in vero cells. due to this mutation, we were able to generate an influenza b virus lacking the complete ns1 open reading frame (deltans1-b virus) by reverse genetics, which was growing to titers of 8log(10)tcid(50)/ml in a vero cell culture-based micro-carrier fermenter. the deltans1-b vaccine candidate was attenuated in ifn-competent hosts such as human alveolar epit ...200919366569
a trivalent virus-like particle vaccine elicits protective immune responses against seasonal influenza strains in mice and ferrets.there is need for improved human influenza vaccines, particularly for older adults who are at greatest risk for severe disease, as well as to address the continuous antigenic drift within circulating human subtypes of influenza virus. we have engineered an influenza virus-like particle (vlp) as a new generation vaccine candidate purified from the supernatants of sf9 insect cells following infection by recombinant baculoviruses to express three influenza virus proteins, hemagglutinin (ha), neuram ...200919554101
the quantitative determination of influenza virus and antibodies by means of red cell agglutination.1. the agglutination titer for chicken red cells of freshly prepared or carefully stored suspensions of pr8 influenza virus, that is to say virus of maximum pathogenicity, was found to be proportional to the mouse lethal titer of the same preparations. 2. the agglutination titer of infected allantoic fluid procured in a standard way is relatively constant, regardless of the influenza strain used and its pathogenicity for mice. 3. virus preparations inactivated by heat or storage may retain their ...194219871167
adsorption of influenza virus on cells of the respiratory tract.a study of the reaction between influenza virus and the cells of the excised and perfused ferret lung has yielded the following results: (1) the cells of the lung rapidly adsorbed large amounts of intratracheally inoculated virus. (2) after a short interval the pulmonary cells began spontaneously to release the adsorbed virus, and in the case of influenza b the release was 75 per cent complete after 5 hours. (3) the lee strain was more completely released from pulmonary cells after 5 hours than ...194319871317
qualitative differences in the antigenic composition of influenza a virus strains.a study of the pr8, christie, talmey, w.s., and swine strains of influenza a virus by means of antibody absorption tests revealed the following findings: 1. serum antibody could be specifically absorbed with allantoic fluid containing influenza virus or, more effectively, with concentrated suspensions of virus obtained from allantoic fluid by high-speed centrifugation or by the red cell adsorption and elution technique. normal allantoic fluid, or the centrifugalized sediment therefrom, failed to ...194419871392
influenza b virus causes milder pathogenesis and weaker inflammatory responses in ferrets than influenza a virus.abstract it is unknown why the influenza b virus causes less severe clinical signs than the influenza a virus in humans. here we show that influenza b virus induces a lower levels of inflammatory cytokines in the lungs of infected ferrets, and causes less pathological damage to their lung tissues than does influenza a virus. the copy numbers of inflammatory cytokine genes, such as tnf-alpha and ifn-alpha, was significantly lower in the lungs of ferrets infected with influenza b virus than in tho ...200919951179
establishment and characterization of a madin-darby canine kidney reporter cell line for influenza a virus assays.influenza virus diagnosis has traditionally relied on virus isolation in chicken embryo or cell cultures. many laboratories have adopted rapid molecular methods for detection of influenza viruses and discontinued routine utilization of the relatively slow viral culture methods. we describe an influenza a virus reporter cell line that contributes to more efficient viral detection in cell culture. madin-darby canine kidney (mdck) cells were engineered to constitutively produce an influenza virus g ...201020504984
efficacy of single intravenous injection of peramivir against influenza b virus infection in ferrets and cynomolgus macaques.we evaluated the efficacy of single intravenous dose peramivir for treatment of influenza b virus infection in ferrets and cynomolgus macaques in the present study. a single dose of peramivir (30 and 60 mg/kg) given to ferrets on 1 day post-infection with influenza b virus significantly reduced virus titers in nasal washes and total virus shedding as measured by areas under the curve (auc) by 2 log(10) compared with control group. furthermore, nasal virus titers on day 2 post infection and aucs ...201121844317
comparative analyses of pandemic h1n1 and seasonal h1n1, h3n2, and influenza b infections depict distinct clinical pictures in ferrets.influenza a and b infections are a worldwide health concern to both humans and animals. high genetic evolution rates of the influenza virus allow the constant emergence of new strains and cause illness variation. since human influenza infections are often complicated by secondary factors such as age and underlying medical conditions, strain or subtype specific clinical features are difficult to assess. here we infected ferrets with 13 currently circulating influenza strains (including strains of ...201122110664
selection of multi-drug resistant influenza a and b viruses under zanamivir pressure and their replication fitness in ferrets.intravenous zanamivir has been used to treat patients with severe influenza. because the majority of cases (including immunocompromised patients) require the drug for an extended period of treatment, there is a higher risk that the virus will develop resistance. therefore, knowing the possible amino acid substitutions that may arise in recently circulating influenza strains under prolonged zanamivir exposure and their impact on antiviral susceptibility is important.201728195559
characterization of the localized immune response in the respiratory tract of ferrets following infection with influenza a and b viruses.the burden of infection with seasonal influenza viruses is significant. each year is typically characterized by the dominance of one (sub)type or lineage of influenza a or b virus, respectively. the incidence of disease varies annually, and while this may be attributed to a particular virus strain or subtype, the impacts of prior immunity, population differences, and variations in clinical assessment are also important. to improve our understanding of the impacts of seasonal influenza viruses, w ...201526719259
interval between infections and viral hierarchy are determinants of viral interference following influenza virus infection in a ferret model.epidemiological studies suggest that, following infection with influenza virus, there is a short period during which a host experiences a lower susceptibility to infection with other influenza viruses. this viral interference appears to be independent of any antigenic similarities between the viruses. we used the ferret model of human influenza to systematically investigate viral interference.201525943206
substitutions near the receptor binding site determine major antigenic change during influenza virus evolution.the molecular basis of antigenic drift was determined for the hemagglutinin (ha) of human influenza a/h3n2 virus. from 1968 to 2003, antigenic change was caused mainly by single amino acid substitutions, which occurred at only seven positions in ha immediately adjacent to the receptor binding site. most of these substitutions were involved in antigenic change more than once. equivalent positions were responsible for the recent antigenic changes of influenza b and a/h1n1 viruses. substitution of ...201324264991
effect of priming with h1n1 influenza viruses of variable antigenic distances on challenge with 2009 pandemic h1n1 virus.compared to seasonal influenza viruses, the 2009 pandemic h1n1 (ph1n1) virus caused greater morbidity and mortality in children and young adults. people over 60 years of age showed a higher prevalence of cross-reactive ph1n1 antibodies, suggesting that they were previously exposed to an influenza virus or vaccine that was antigenically related to the ph1n1 virus. to define the basis for this cross-reactivity, ferrets were infected with h1n1 viruses of variable antigenic distance that circulated ...201222674976
oseltamivir population pharmacokinetics in the ferret: model application for pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic study design.the ferret is a suitable small animal model for preclinical evaluation of efficacy of antiviral drugs against various influenza strains, including highly pathogenic h5n1 viruses. rigorous pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics (pk/pd) assessment of ferret data has not been conducted, perhaps due to insufficient information on oseltamivir pk. here, based on pk data from several studies on both uninfected and influenza-infected groups (i.e., with influenza a viruses of h5n1 and h3n2 subtypes and an inf ...201526460484
evaluation of influenza virus a/h3n2 and b vaccines on the basis of cross-reactivity of postvaccination human serum antibodies against influenza viruses a/h3n2 and b isolated in mdck cells and embryonated hen eggs.the vaccine strains against influenza virus a/h3n2 for the 2010-2011 season and influenza virus b for the 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 seasons in japan are a high-growth reassortant a/victoria/210/2009 (x-187) strain and an egg-adapted b/brisbane/60/2008 (victoria lineage) strain, respectively. hemagglutination inhibition (hi) tests with postinfection ferret antisera indicated that the antisera raised against the x-187 and egg-adapted b/brisbane/60/2008 vaccine production strains poorly inhibited rec ...201222492743
nb protein does not affect influenza b virus replication in vitro and is not required for replication in or transmission between ferrets.the influenza b virus encodes a unique protein, nb, a membrane protein whose function in the replication cycle is not, as yet, understood. we engineered a recombinant influenza b virus lacking nb expression, with no concomitant difference in expression or activity of viral neuraminidase (na) protein, an important caveat since na is encoded on the same segment and initiated from a start codon just 4 nt downstream of nb. replication of the virus lacking nb was not different to wild-type virus with ...201626703440
mouse adaptation of influenza b virus increases replication in the upper respiratory tract and results in droplet transmissibility in investigate the molecular changes that allow influenza b viruses to adapt to new mammalian hosts, influenza b/florida/04/2006 was serially passaged in balb/c mice until highly virulent. the viral factors underlying this transition were then investigated in mice and ferrets. five viruses, including the wild-type virus (p0), three intermediate viruses (p5, p9, and p12), and a lethal mouse-adapted virus (p17 (ma)), harbored one to five amino acid substitutions in the hemagglutinin, m, np, and pa ...201526526113
ferret airway epithelial cell cultures support efficient replication of influenza b virus but not mumps virus.ferrets have become the model animal of choice for influenza pathology and transmission experiments as they are permissive and susceptible to human influenza a viruses. however, inoculation of ferrets with mumps virus (muv) did not lead to successful infections. we evaluated the use of highly differentiated ferret tracheal epithelium cell cultures, fte, for predicting the potential of ferrets to support respiratory viral infections. fte cultures supported productive replication of human influenz ...201525953915
pathogenic influenza b virus in the ferret model establishes lower respiratory tract infection.influenza b viruses have become increasingly more prominent during influenza seasons. influenza b infection is typically considered a mild disease and receives less attention than influenza a, but has been causing 20 to 50 % of the total influenza incidence in several regions around the world. although there is increasing evidence of mid to lower respiratory tract diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia in influenza b patients, little is known about the pathogenesis of recent influenza b virus ...201424989173
hemozoin is a potent adjuvant for hemagglutinin split vaccine without pyrogenicity in ferrets.synthetic hemozoin (shz, also known as β-hematin) from monomeric heme is a particle adjuvant which activates antigen-presenting cells (apcs), such as dendritic cells and macrophages, and enhances humoral immune responses to several antigens, including ovalbumin, human serum albumin, and serine repeat antigen 36 of plasmodium falciparum. in the present study, we evaluated the adjuvanticity and pyrogenicity of shz as an adjuvant for seasonal trivalent hemagglutinin split vaccine (sv) for humans us ...201424721532
antiviral drug-resistant influenza b viruses carrying h134n substitution in neuraminidase, laos, february february 2016, three influenza b/victoria/2/87 lineage viruses exhibiting 4- to 158-fold reduced inhibition by neuraminidase inhibitors were detected in laos. these viruses had an h134n substitution in the neuraminidase and replicated efficiently in vitro and in ferrets. current antiviral drugs may be ineffective in controlling infections caused by viruses harboring this mutation.201728322707
competitive fitness of influenza b viruses possessing e119a and h274y neuraminidase inhibitor resistance-associated substitutions in ferrets.neuraminidase (na) inhibitors (nais) are the only antiviral drugs recommended for influenza treatment and prophylaxis. although nai-resistant influenza b viruses that could pose a threat to public health have been reported in the field, their fitness is poorly understood. we evaluated in ferrets the pathogenicity and relative fitness of reverse genetics (rg)-generated influenza b/yamanashi/166/1998-like viruses containing e119a or h274y na substitutions (n2 numbering). ferrets inoculated with na ...201627466813
circulation of influenza b lineages in northern viet nam, 2007-2014.influenza b viruses circulate throughout viet nam, and their activities vary by region. there have been two antigenically distinct lineages of influenza b viruses co-circulating in the past 20 years; however, only one lineage is selected as a component of contemporary trivalent seasonal influenza vaccines. to improve the understanding of circulating influenza b lineages and influenza vaccine mismatches, we report the virus lineages circulating in northern viet nam over an eight-year period (2007 ...201726798557
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