
canine parainfluenza virus-induced encephalitis in ferrets.young seronegative ferrets were intracerebrally inoculated with a neurotropic strain of canine parainfluenza (cpi) virus and serially killed at intervals after infection for subsequent viral immuno-peroxidase, light microscopical and scanning electron microscopical evaluation. the cpi virus infection resulted in a self-limiting non-suppurative ependymitis and choroiditis with associated ependymal cell degeneration. these changes were accompanied by paraventricular and perivascular cellular infil ...19892537347
intranasal infection of ferrets (mustela putorius furo) with canine parainfluenza virus.immunocompetent and cyclophosphamide-immunosuppressed ferrets were intranasally infected with canine parainfluenza virus (cpiv) and observed for clinical signs, histopathologic lesions, the immunocytochemical demonstration of cpiv antigen in the respiratory tract and scanning electron microscopic alterations of the tracheal epithelium until 36 days post infection (p.i.). in both groups, clinical signs were minimal, restricted to the upper respiratory tract and consisted of cough elicited by trac ...19911663681
isolation of a paramyxovirus from the cerebrospinal fluid of a dog with posterior paresis.a paramyxovirus was isolated from cerebrospinal fluid of a dog with a history of incoordination and posterior paresis. the virus apparently was not related to canine distemper virus (cdv), considering the lack of virus neutralization with cdv-specific antibody, negative immunofluorescence with cdv-specific conjugate, and avirulence for ferrets. the virus was antigenically related to a prototype strain of canine parainfluenza virus, as determined by positive immunofluorescence with canine parainf ...19806254938
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