
red fox (vulpes vulpes) cannibalistic behaviour and the prevalence of trichinella britovi in nw italian habits of the red fox (vulpes vulpes) were studied in the aosta valley region (nw italian alps) and were related to the prevalence of trichinella infection in the red fox itself and in two mustelid species (the stone marten (martes foina) and the badger (meles meles)). the search of trichinella by the automatic digestion of muscles samples led us to determine a prevalence of 3.5+/-1.2% in red foxes, 7.9+/-4.3% in stone martens and 1.9+/-1.8% in badgers, with no significant differences among ...200516151732
the role of the wolf in endemic sylvatic trichinella britovi infection in the abruzzi region of central italy.during the period 2004-2014 in the abruzzi region (central italy), muscle samples gathered from hunted wild boars (n=16,323) and retrieved from carcasses of other susceptible wild mammals (n=838) and birds (n=438) were tested for trichinella larvae according to european union regulations. although no positive samples were found from wild birds, 91 wild mammals tested positive. six species were found to harbor trichinella spp. infections, namely wolf (canis lupus, 59 positive samples out of 218), ...201627522469
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