
aelurostrongylus abstrusus in wild felids of south africa.the increasing interest on respiratory nematodes of domestic cats (felis silvestris catus) has recently stimulated several studies on their epidemiology and geographic distribution. at the same time, there are still important gaps in our knowledge of the infections caused by respiratory nematodes in wild felids. the present study investigated the occurrence of pulmonary parasites in wild hosts housed in sanctuaries and protected areas of south africa. faecal samples collected from seven species ...201627230016
mitochondrial haplotypes of aelurostrongylus abstrusus and troglostrongylus brevior (nematoda, metastrongyloidea) from domestic and wild felids.the lungworm aelurostrongylus abstrusus is the most important respiratory parasite of domestic cats. pulmonary aelurostrongylosis has been reported in wild felids, though unequivocally evidence of wildlife infection by a. abstrusus is scant. recently, troglostrongylus brevior, a lungworm usually infecting wild felids, has been described in domestic cats from mediterranean areas. the present work evaluates the sequence variation of an informative region within the gene encoding the mitochondrial ...201728197762
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