
a study on intestinal helminthes of dogs, foxes and jackals in the western part of iran.human infection especially with helminth parasites is an emerging health issue, as the human environment is increasingly shared with infected animals, either pets or wild life. in this survey, the intestinal content of 83 stray dogs, 22 red foxes and 10 golden jackals collected from the west azarbaijan, kordestan and kermanshah provinces in the west of iran, were studied for the presence of helminth parasites. the percentage of different species recovered from these animals is listed as follows: ...200616899340
data on the parasitological status of golden jackal (canis aureus l., 1758) in hungary, twenty canis aureus individuals were submitted to parasitological examinations in 2010-2012. two coccidia: cystoisospora canis (15%) and toxoplasma-type oocysts (5%), one trematoda: alaria alata (10%), six cestoda: mesocestoides lineatus (20%), echinococcus granulosus (10%), dipylidium caninums (5%), taenia hydatigena (15%), taenia pisiformis (20%), taenia crassiceps (40%), and nine nematoda: angiostrongylus vasorum (10%), crenosoma vulpis (30%), capillaria aerophila (5%), toxocara c ...201424334089
intestinal helminths of golden jackals and red foxes from tunisia.forty wild canids including 31 golden jackals (canis aureus linné, 1758) and 9 red foxes (vulpes vulpes linné, 1758) collected between 2008 and 2011 in the northeast, northwest and center of tunisia were necropsied and examined for intestinal helminth parasites. all jackals and foxes were found infected with a prevalence rate of 95% for cestodes, 82.5% for nematodes and 7.5% for acanthocephalans. a total of twelve helminth species were recorded in red foxes: cestodes, dipylidium caninum (55.6%), ...201424938826
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