
data on the parasitological status of golden jackal (canis aureus l., 1758) in hungary, twenty canis aureus individuals were submitted to parasitological examinations in 2010-2012. two coccidia: cystoisospora canis (15%) and toxoplasma-type oocysts (5%), one trematoda: alaria alata (10%), six cestoda: mesocestoides lineatus (20%), echinococcus granulosus (10%), dipylidium caninums (5%), taenia hydatigena (15%), taenia pisiformis (20%), taenia crassiceps (40%), and nine nematoda: angiostrongylus vasorum (10%), crenosoma vulpis (30%), capillaria aerophila (5%), toxocara c ...201424334089
combined serological detection of circulating angiostrongylus vasorum antigen and parasite-specific antibodies in dogs from hungary.the occurrence of the nematode angiostrongylus vasorum, also known as the french heartworm, is increasingly being reported from various european countries. the adults of this parasite species live in the pulmonary arteries and right cardiac ventricle of wild canids and domestic dogs. larval stages and eggs in the lungs induce inflammatory verminous pneumonia, causing severe respiratory disease in dogs. furthermore, haematological and neurological signs and even death may occur. in hungary, a. va ...201526152415
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