
first isolation of mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis from wild guanacos (lama guanicoe) on tierra del fuego island.the aim of this study was to search for mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (map) infection in a free-ranging wild animal species in a region where johnes's disease has yet to be reported and to classify map isolates using a genomic typing method. fecal samples were obtained from 501 wild guanacos (lama guanicoe) from tierra del fuego island, chile, in august 2006. samples were cultured using herrold's egg yolk medium with and without mycobactin j. after 9 mo of incubation, suspected map ...200919395739
health evaluation of free-ranging guanaco (lama guanicoe).twenty free-ranging guanaco (lama guanicoe) in chubut province, argentina, were immobilized for health evaluations. all but two animals appeared to be in good condition. hematology, serum chemistry, and vitamin and mineral levels were measured, and feces were evaluated for parasites. serology tests included bluetongue, brucellosis, bovine respiratory syncitial virus, bovine viral diarrhea/mucosal disease, equine herpesvirus 1, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, johne's disease (mycobacterium par ...19989732026
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