differential life history trait associations of aphids with nonpersistent viruses in cucurbits. | the diversity of vectors and fleeting nature of virus acquisition and transmission renders nonpersistent viruses a challenge to manage. we assessed the importance of noncolonizing versus colonizing vectors with a 2-yr survey of aphids and nonpersistent viruses on commercial pumpkin farms. we quantified aphid alightment using pan traps, while testing leaf samples with multiplex rt-pcr targeting cucumber mosaic virus (cmv), zucchini yellow mosaic virus (zymv), watermelon mosaic virus (wmv), and pa ... | 2015 | 26313961 |
modeling temporal trends in aphid vector dispersal and cucumber mosaic virus epidemics in snap bean. | cucumber mosaic virus (cmv) has become a major limiting factor in snap bean production in the great lakes region of north america, and epidemics have occurred more frequently since the soybean aphid, aphis glycines matsumura, was introduced. major aphid vectors of cmv epidemics were identified by statistically relating their temporal dispersal trends to the incidence of cmv. alates were monitored weekly using water pan traps in 74 snap bean fields in new york and pennsylvania from 2002 to 2006. ... | 2009 | 19825288 |
transmission efficiency of cucumber mosaic virus by aphids associated with virus epidemics in snap bean. | cucumber mosaic virus (cmv) is a major component of the virus complex that has become more pronounced in snap bean in the midwestern and northeastern united states since 2001. multiple-vector-transfer tests were done to estimate the cmv transmission efficiencies (p) of the main aphid species identified in commercial snap bean fields in new york and pennsylvania. the four most efficient vectors (p > 0.05) were aphis gossypii, a. glycines, acyrthosiphon pisum, and therioaphis trifolii, which were ... | 2008 | 18943413 |