
anaplasma, ehrlichia and rickettsial pathogens in ixodid ticks infesting cattle and sheep in western oromia, ethiopia.although ticks are widely distributed in all agro-ecological zones of ethiopia, information on tick-borne pathogens is scarce. this study was conducted to determine the presence of anaplasma spp., ehrlichia spp., and rickettsia spp. in rhipicephalus evertsi and rhipicephalus (boophilus) decoloratus collected from cattle and sheep at bako, western oromia, ethiopia, using polymerase chain reaction and sequencing. anaplasma ovis and anaplasma spp., ehrlichia ruminantium and ehrlichia spp. were dete ...201627411938
molecular detection of zoonotic tick-borne pathogens from ticks collected from ruminants in four south african provinces.ticks carry and transmit a remarkable array of pathogens including bacteria, protozoa and viruses, which may be of veterinary and/or of medical significance. with little to no information regarding the presence of tick-borne zoonotic pathogens or their known vectors in southern africa, the aim of our study was to screen for anaplasma phagocytophilum, borrelia burgdorferi, coxiella burnetii, rickettsia species and ehrlichia ruminantium in ticks collected and identified from ruminants in the easte ...201526227797
ehrlichia ruminantium variants which do not cause heartwater found in south 1994 a batch of apparently healthy goats was selected for intended export to the usa from a heartwater-free and vector tick-free region of south africa. the animals were tested serologically for heartwater, using either or both an ifa and an elisa test, and 52% were found to be serologically positive. a pcr assay based on ehrlichia ruminantium 16s gene sequences gave positive results for 54% of the animals, suggesting that apparently non-pathogenic e. ruminantium variants existed in this hear ...200717123750
the distribution of ixodid ticks (acari: ixodidae) in central ethiopia.ixodid ticks were collected from domestic animals, mainly cattle, in 11 administrative zones covering 84 districts in central ethiopia over a period of 2 years (july 1996 to june 1998). nineteen tick species were identified. four of these belonged to the genus amblyomma, one to boophilus, two to haemaphysalis, three to hyalomma and nine to rhipicephalus. amblyomma variegatum and rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi were present in all 11 administrative zones and, with the exception of afar, boophilus d ...200112026058
evidence to show that an agent that cross-reacts serologically with cowdria ruminantium in zimbabwe is transmitted by ticks.the serological diagnosis of heartwater based on reactions to the immunodominant cowdria ruminantium major antigen protein-1 (map-1) is impaired by the detection of false-positive reactions. in this study, the prevalence of false-positive reactions on seven heartwater-free farms in zimbabwe was determined to be 8-94% by immunoblotting against c. ruminantium antigens. the highest prevalence of false-positives on spring valley farm correlated with the presence of rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi tick ...19989493330
parasites of domestic and wild animals in south africa. l. ixodid ticks infesting horses and donkeys.the aim of the study was to determine the species spectrum of ixodid ticks that infest horses and donkeys in south africa and to identify those species that act as vectors of disease to domestic livestock. ticks were collected opportunistically from 391 horses countrywide by their owners or grooms, or by veterinary students and staff at the faculty of veterinary science, university of pretoria. ticks were also collected from 76 donkeys in limpopo province, 2 in gauteng province and 1 in north we ...201728281774
the prevalence of serum antibodies to ehrlichia ruminantium infection in ranch cattle in tanzania: a cross-sectional study.serum samples collected in a cross-sectional survey of grazing cattle on manyara ranch, monduli district, tanzania, were tested by indirect major antigenic protein 1 fragment b (map 1-b) elisa to determine the seroprevalence of ehrlichia ruminantium and to assess ranch-level risk factors for heartwater. heartwater-exposed cattle were widespread on the ranch and overall seroprevalence was 50.3% (95% ci, 44.9-55.6), enough to indicate an endemically unstable situation. multivariate logistic regres ...200818846851
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