
long-term reduction of cold hardiness following ingestion of ice-nucleating bacteria in the colorado potato beetle, leptinotarsa decemlineata.we investigated the effect of ingestion of ice-nucleating bacteria on the supercooling capacity and cold hardiness of the colorado potato beetle (leptinotarsa decemlineata say), a freeze-intolerant species that overwinters as adults in shallow, terrestrial burrows. ingestion of ice-nucleating bacteria (enterobacter agglomerans, pseudomonas fluorescens, pseudomonas putida, pseudomonas syringae), fed on slices of potato tuber, caused an abrupt decrease in supercooling capacity. no change occurred ...199812770317
long-term retention of ice-nucleating active pseudomonas fluorescens by overwintering colorado potato nucleating-active pseudomonas fluorescens f264c was fed to colorado potato beetles to determine bacterial retentioin in the beetle gut and its effect on the cold hardiness of this insect pest. the bacrterium was present in beetles recovered after overwintering in the field, seven months after their exposure to p. fluorescens. retention was evident not only in the detection of the p. fluorescens ice nucleating gene, inaw, in bacterial cultures from beetle guts but also in the elevated superco ...200012148058
identification of ice-nucleating active pseudomonas fluorescens strains for biological control of overwintering colorado potato beetles (coleoptera: chrysomelidae).laboratory studies were conducted to identify ice-nucleating active bacterial strains able to elevate the supercooling point, the temperature at which freezing is initiated in body fluids, of colorado potato beetles, leptinotarsa decemlineata (say), and to persist in their gut. adult beetles fed ice-nucleating active strains of pseudomonas fluorescens, p. putida, or p. syringae at 10(6) or 10(3) bacterial cells per beetle had significantly elevated supercooling points, from -4.5 to -5.7 degrees ...200010826166
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