
resistance breaking tomato spotted wilt virus isolates on resistant pepper varieties in spring 2012, resistance breaking (rb) isolates of tomato spotted wilt virus (tswv) that overcome the resistance conferred by the tsw gene in different pepper hybrids have been recovered in different locations in southern italy (campania and apulia regions) in protected cultivation, about one month after transplant. the percentage of symptomatic plants was 5-10% and, only in particular cases of advanced stage of cultivation, it reached 30-50% at the end of cycle. all tswv isolates induced simi ...201325151838
viruses of pepper crops in the mediterranean basin: a remarkable stasis.compared to other vegetable crops, the major viral constraints affecting pepper crops in the mediterranean basin have been remarkably stable for the past 20 years. among these viruses, the most prevalent ones are the seed-transmitted tobamoviruses; the aphid-transmitted potato virus y and tobacco etch virus of the genus potyvirus, and cucumber mosaic virus member of the genus cucumovirus; and thrips-transmitted tospoviruses. the last major viral emergence concerns the tospovirus tomato spotted w ...201222682167
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