
ultrastructure of the cysts of sarcocystis grueneri from cardiac muscle of reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus).cysts of sarcocystis grueneri from cardiac muscle of reindeer (rangifer tarandus) in norway were examined by transmission electron microscopy. the limiting unit membrane of the cyst proper formed regularly spaced invaginations into the cyst at numerous sites coinciding with interruptions in the underlying osmiophilic layer. the primary cyst wall formed numerous strip-like, sinuous protrusions, which were 30-40 nm thick, 150-300 nm wide and up to 4.5 microns long, and were running in parallel wit ...19853922150
genetic characterisation of six sarcocystis species from reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus) in norway based on the small subunit rrna gene.six sarcocystis species, i.e. sarcocystis grueneri, sarcocystis rangi, sarcocystis tarandivulpes, sarcocystis hardangeri, sarcocystis rangiferi and sarcocystis tarandi have previously been described from reindeer based on sarcocyst morphology. in order to validate and expand the species descriptions, the complete small subunit (ssu) rrna gene was sequenced and used to genetically characterise the six species. the aim was to reveal possible genetic variation in the ssu rrna gene within each sarco ...200717416466
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