
anaplasma infections in wild and domestic ruminants: a review.anaplasma marginale can be transmitted, will grow and can survive in a large number of domestic and wild animals. it is pathogenic in cattle, and usually produces nonapparent or mild infections in other species. anaplasma marginale has been recovered from cattle, sheep, goats, water buffalo (bubalus bubalis), white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus), mule deer (odocoileus hemionus hemionus), black-tailed deer (odocoileus hemionus columbianus), pronghorn (antilocapra americana americana), rocky ...19846716555
detection of anaplasma antibodies in wildlife and domestic species in wildlife-livestock interface areas of kenya by major surface protein 5 competitive inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.the seroprevalence of anaplasma antibodies in wildlife (eland, blue wildebeest, kongoni, impala, thomson's gazelle, grant's gazelle, giraffe and plains zebra) and domestic animal (cattle, sheep and goat) populations was studied in wildlife/livestock interface areas of kenya. serum samples were analyzed by competitive inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ci-elisa), using a recombinant antigen (msp-5) from anaplasma marginale surface membrane. a monoclonal antibody, fc-16, was used as the ...200819040134
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