
distinct mineral weathering behaviors of the novel mineral-weathering strains rhizobium yantingense h66 and rhizobium etli cfn42.bacteria play important roles in mineral weathering, soil formation, and element cycling. however, little is known about the interaction between silicate minerals and rhizobia. in this study, rhizobium yantingense h66 (a novel mineral-weathering rhizobium) and rhizobium etli cfn42 were compared with respect to potash feldspar weathering, mineral surface adsorption, and metabolic activity during the mineral weathering process. strain h66 showed significantly higher si, al, and k mobilization from ...201627129959
rhizobium yantingense sp. nov., a mineral-weathering bacterium.a gram-stain-negative, rod-shaped bacterial strain, h66(t), was isolated from the surfaces of weathered rock (purple siltstone) found in yanting, sichuan province, pr china. cells of strain h66(t) were motile with peritrichous flagella. phylogenetic analysis based on 16s rrna gene sequences indicated that strain h66(t) belongs to the genus rhizobium. it is closely related to rhizobium huautlense so2(t) (98.1 %), rhizobium alkalisoli ccbau 01393(t) (98.0 %) and rhizobium cellulosilyticum ala10b2( ...201525376852
rhizobium wenxiniae sp. nov., an endophytic bacterium isolated from maize root.a novel gram-stain-negative, aerobic, rod-shaped strain designated 166t was isolated from surface-sterilized root tissue of maize planted in the fangshan district of beijing, pr china. the 16s rrna gene sequence analysis indicated that strain 166t belongs to the genus rhizobium and is closely related to rhizobium cellulosilyticum ala10b2t and rhizobium yantingense h66t with sequence similarities of 98.8 and 98.3 %, respectively. according to atpd and reca sequence analysis, the highest sequence ...201728820092
rhizobium zeae sp. nov., isolated from maize (zea mays l.) roots.a bacterial strain designated crzm18rt was isolated from a root of zea mays in spain. the analysis of the 16s rrna gene sequence showed that this strain belongs to the genus rhizobium, with rhizobium cellulosilyticum ala10b2t and rhizobium yantingense h66t being the most closely related species with 98.3 and 97.9 % sequence similarity, respectively. the analysis of the concatenated reca and atpd genes showed that strain crzm18rt forms a cluster with these species and also with rhizobiumsmilacina ...201728699873
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