
cryptosporidium avium n. sp. (apicomplexa: cryptosporidiidae) in birds.the morphological, biological, and molecular characteristics of cryptosporidium avian genotype v are described, and the species name cryptosporidium avium is proposed to reflect its specificity for birds under natural and experimental conditions. oocysts of c. avium measured 5.30-6.90 μm (mean = 6.26 μm) × 4.30-5.50 μm (mean = 4.86 μm) with a length to width ratio of 1.29 (1.14-1.47). oocysts of c. avium obtained from four naturally infected red-crowned parakeets (cyanoramphus novaezealandiae) w ...201626905074
captive-bred neotropical birds diagnosed with cryptosporidium avian genotype iii.currently, there are only three valid species of cryptosporidium infecting avian hosts, namely, cryptosporidium meleagridis, cryptosporidium baileyi, cryptosporidium galli and cryptosporidium avium in addition to 12 genotypes of unknown species status. the objectives of this study were to microscopically diagnose the presence of cryptosporidium in birds from a commercial aviary located in rio de janeiro, brazil; genotypically characterize species and/or genotypes of genus cryptosporidum; and con ...201829221852
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