
molecular-based investigation of cryptosporidium and giardia from animals in water catchments in southeastern australia.there has been no large-scale systematic molecular epidemiological investigation of the waterborne protozoans, cryptosporidium or giardia, in southeastern australia. here, we explored, for the first time, the genetic composition of these genera in faecal samples from animals in nine melbourne water reservoir areas, collected over a period of two-years. we employed pcr-based single-strand conformation polymorphism (sscp) and phylogenetic analyses of loci (pssu and pgp60) in the small subunit (ssu ...201223357792
a new species of cryptosporidium (apicomplexa: cryptosporidiidae) from eastern grey kangaroos (macropus giganteus).cryptosporidium macropodum n. sp is described. oocysts of c. macropodum from the feces of kangaroos (macropus spp.) are morphologically indistinguishable from other mammalian cryptosporidium species, including c. parvum, c. hominis, c. suis, and c. canis. the oocysts are fully sporulated on excretion, lack sporocysts, and have an average width of 4.9 microm (4.5-6.0), a length of 5.4 microm (5.0-6.0), and a length:width ratio of 1.1. phylogenetic analyses of the 18s ribosomal rna, actin, and hea ...200818973420
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