
bovine papillomavirus type 13 expression in the urothelial bladder tumours of cattle.bovine papillomavirus type 13 (bpv-13), a novel deltapapillomavirus, has been found associated with urothelial tumours of the urinary bladder of cattle grazing on lands infested with bracken fern. bpv-13 was detected in 28 of 39 urothelial tumours. diagnosis was based on sequencing of l1 and e5 amplicons from tumour samples. the nucleotide sequences generated from these amplicons showed a 100% homology with the sequences of bpv-13 l1 and e5 dna found in brazil from a fibropapilloma of the ear in ...201625597262
bovine papillomavirus type 13 dna in equine sarcoids.equine sarcoids are locally aggressive fibroblastic neoplasms considered to be the most common skin tumors of horses worldwide. bovine papillomavirus types 1 and 2 have typically been associated with sarcoids in equids. investigations aiming to identify papillomavirus strains, aside from bovine papillomaviruses 1 and 2, which might be associated with sarcoid lesions, have been lacking. the aim of this article is to report the identification of a third bovine papillomavirus type, bovine papilloma ...201323637294
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