
diversity of phlebotomine sand flies (diptera: psychodidae) in ibitipoca state park, minas gerais, brazil.leishmaniasis is a complex of zoonotic diseases that are endemic to many brazilian states. they are transmitted to the vertebrates by the bite of the hematophagous female sand fly (diptera: psychodidae) vectors. despite the increasing occurrence of visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis cases in large urban centers, their transmission continues to occur primarily in a wild environment and may be associated with professional activities, ecotourism activities, or both. this study investigates the ec ...201121845934
epidemiological aspects of vector, parasite, and domestic reservoir in areas of recent transmission and no reported human cases of visceral leishmaniasis in brazil.about 97% of the human cases of the american visceral leishmaniasis (vl) occur in brazil. in the last few years, the disease expanded to medium- and large-sized cities, in which surveillance and control actions have been intensified, in an effort to control vl spreading. our two-year study was conducted in belo horizonte, the sixth most populous city in brazil, which is endemic for vl. we focused in two particular districts of recent transmission of the disease, with no reported human cases and ...201525882769
natural leishmania sp. reservoirs and phlebotomine sandfly food source identification in ibitipoca state park, minas gerais, brazil.leishmania spp are distributed throughout the world and different species are associated with varying degrees of disease severity. however, leishmaniasis is thought to be confined to areas of the world where its insect vectors, sandflies, are present. phlebotomine sandflies obtain blood meals from a variety of wild and domestic animals and sometimes from humans. these vectors transmit leishmania spp, the aetiological agent of leishmaniasis. identification of sandfly blood meals has generally bee ...201222666858
aspects of the ecology of phlebotomine sand flies (diptera: psychodidae) in the private natural heritage reserve sanctuary caraça.leishmaniases are a set of parasitic diseases of zoonotic origin that are transmitted by sandfly vectors in wild, rural and urban environments. their distribution is dependent not only the distribution of vectors, but also on the distribution of mammalian reservoirs. only by understanding the transmission cycle of these diseases, such as knowing the participating vectors and reservoirs, can one can understand the epidemiology and ecological relationships of leishmaniases. ecotourism has become a ...201728570640
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